Thursday, September 19

VIDEO: Paola Rojas breaks down in tears why she does not want to be a role model

The program Netas Divinas, is one of the shows that has the most audience because the stars that host it reveal their more human side , which together make Each broadcast a real bomb and of course, they have put their audience on the surface with their shocking revelations.

One by one they have revealed personal aspects that nobody suspected and that in the end, they leave full tears the eyes of each driver. In this case, it was the turn of Paola Rojas , the famous journalist of the San Ángel television station.

In addition to dealing with the news and having endured becoming one of them when suffered the infidelity of his ex-partner, Luis Roberto Alves “Zague” , has also had to present herself to the public as an empowered woman.

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: “It still hurts”: Zague traumatized Paola Rojas

In this case, it is, but also revealed that it is a facet that she does not want to keep all her life, because it is something tired that has practically enslaved her. He confessed that this comes from the fact that he is a proud person.

“I have always given this image of the ‘old lady’, but also suddenly … I genuinely promote women being: powerful, strong and autonomous, but there is also, I confess, a defense mechanism. I protect myself from a lot of things ” , he mentioned before the cameras.

In front of her colleagues and friends, the communicator said that like any other woman, she suffers, cries and finds it difficult to speak; however, she imposes herself and hides it. “I don’t want to be Paola’s slave, the strong character, I don’t want to. Suddenly I do feel like a slave to the character ” , revealed before the cameras.

“It took 44 years to understand that to always show you strong it is a sign of weakness. I mean, you can’t be strong all the time ” , he declared with great confidence.

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At these words, Daniela Magún, former member of the Kabah group, gave him a big hug (along with Consuelo Duval) after telling him that he was in a point where many would like to be “which is to find that balance and that middle line where you are that strong woman and also vulnerable at the same time.”

It should be remembered that the Televisa communicator lived a very complicated moment a few years ago, after a video of her ex-husband went viral,

Luis Alberto Zague, who was seen showing his private parts, which fractured her marriage, and despite what many advised her, she tried to save her marriage, but did in success.