Wednesday, October 9

AMLO's government resists accepting the “Remain in Mexico” program and Biden tries to cancel it

Los migrantes son procesados por la Patrulla Fronteriza  después de cruzar la frontera en Penitas, Texas.
Migrants are processed by the Border Patrol after crossing the border in Penitas, Texas.

Photo: PAUL RATJE / AFP / Getty Images

The President Joe Biden faces complications in negotiations with the Mexican Administration Andrés Manuel López Obrador to apply again the “Remain in Mexico” program, according to sources from both governments consulted by this newspaper.

The situation with the AMLO Administration was complicated by the The advance of more immigrants to the United States, particularly with the arrival of thousands of Haitians, who have been withdrawn in southern Mexico, but thousands more managed to cross the border into the United States, where they also face complications.

Negotiations between the two countries have been going on for more than a month and the Biden Administration acknowledges that the details are being defined technical , although you can use that excuse in court to not continue with the program , since this does not depend solely on the US Government.

“While the court’s decision stands, the Department is working on good faith to restart the MPP in compliance with the order, ”acknowledges the Department of Homeland Security. “The Department, working with the State Department, continues in discussions with high-level officials in Mexico.”

At the same time, after the advance of a Texas Government lawsuit, the Biden Administration launches a new attempt to suspend the program , officially known as Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP).

“In the following weeks a new memorandum to end the Migrant Protection Protocols, ”reported DHS, adding that the appeal in court is ongoing.

The Biden Administration states that, to follow the court order, it prepares the equipment who will administer the program for asylum seekers, who will process the applications and, as indicated by the plan established by the president Donald Trump , would send foreigners to Mexico, pending a court date.

“The infrastructure will be reinstated, reintegrating the equipment that will be needed to restart the MPP when there is an agreement (with Mexico),” he said. DHS.

Following the court’s decision on the attempt to return the program to Mexico, the former ambassador of that country to the United States, Martha Bárcena , said the US government failed to deliver on its promise to expedite cases in immigration courts, affecting more than 60, 000 foreigners who applied for asylum, but were sent to the neighboring country of the south to an eternal wait.

“The lesson of the last time (of the program) was that the United States does not keeps its promise to quickly process their cases ”, said Bárcena at The Washington Post .