Thursday, September 19

California woman charged with allegedly setting fire by boiling water containing bear urine

Una mujer de 30 años podría enfrentar hasta nueve años de prisión por provocar un fuego al hervir orina de oso para bebérsela.
A woman of 30 year old could face up to nine years in prison for starting a fire by boiling bear urine to drink.

Photo: Shasta County Sheriff’s Office / Courtesy

A Californian woman could be sentenced to up to nine years in prison for allegedly setting a fire in a forest in a premeditated manner. Authorities are continuing to investigate to determine if she is related to the Fawn, fire that was recorded this week , according to Shasta County District Attorney Stephanie Bridgett said during a press conference.

According to testimony from a firefighter, Alexandra Souverneva, of 30 years, was seen on 22 by a worker from J. F Shea Quarry while it invaded the property of the company . The woman was told that she could not go on her way as it was private property, but she ignored the warnings and went into the forest.

That same afternoon, Cal Fire officials were contacted to report a fire on the same property .

At approximately 8pm, according to the report, as officers tried to extinguish the fire found Sourverneva next to the fire. She told one of the firefighters that she was “ medically cleared .”

When the local authorities asked the young woman why she was in the area, she replied that she was going on an excursion to Canada. In addition, she added that on the way she was thirsty and found a pool of water near a dry stream, she thought that the liquid contained bear urine and with a tea bag she tried to filter it without success.

It was then that decided to light a fire to boil the liquid , drank it and continued on his way without putting out the fire claiming that everything “ was too wet to cause a fire “.

Moments later Sourverneva said she saw helicopters” pink ”to the trees near her, then got stuck in the undergrowth and went there when the firefighters found her.

When the authorities asked her to empty her pockets they found two CO2 cartridges, a lighter and a container that contained “ a green leafy substance that she claimed was smoked that day , “said an officer.

Souverneva faces charges related to deliberately start a fire and also by cr earning a fire caused in a state of emergency, which is currently in effect precisely because of the recent fires in California.

Prosecutor Bridgett also assured that as the investigation progresses more charges could be added against the woman of 30 years, who in his LinkedIn profile calls himself a “shaman”.

With information from Redding Record-Searchlight

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