Friday, September 20

Utah authorities arrested a man for dousing a woman with gasoline and setting her on fire with a flare

Marc Davis fue arrestado este martes por rociar con gasolina a una mujer y prenderla en fuego con una bengala.
Marc Davis was arrested Tuesday for spraying gasoline on a woman and setting her on fire with a flare.

Photo: Christopher Furlong / Getty Images

A man was apprehended Tuesday by authorities in Clinton, Utah, for dousing a woman with gasoline and then momentarily setting her on fire with a flare.

According to police, Marc Davis of 49 years, he chased a woman down the street with a flare in one hand and a drug-filled cooler in the other .

The authorities responded to a call from a witness who observed the incident. When they arrived at the scene, the officers spoke with the victim and she told them that a man named Marc Davis had doused her with gasoline and then set her on fire with a flare , according to Fox 13 , the woman was treated immediately by medical personnel, but was not admitted to a hospital.

Additionally, the police spoke with the witness who made the call and indicated that a man with the characteristics of Davis was running in the middle of the road with a flare and a red cooler .

Thanks to another person who observed the event , the agents were able to find the location of Davis, who was in the courtyard of a nearby residence inside a hole approximately three meters deep covered with a blanket. The policemen took out him along with the cooler.

“(Inside the cooler) There was a large amount of a solid crystal-like substance , three bags of a green leaf-like substance, a resealable sachet of white powder, spoons, needles, guardian straws, pipes, bongs, a small container of glass, bags, a scale and a folding knife, ”said the police.

Upon leaving the property, Davis pretended to be mute and did not utter any words to the officers , but later denied ever dousing the woman with gasoline and chasing her with a flare. The man said that the cooler was not his either.

According to the officers, they have the necessary evidence for Davis to be charged with attempted murder, possession of drugs with intent to distribute, possession of a dangerous weapon, eleven counts of possession of controlled substances and obstruction of justice. also reported that Davis had an arrest warrant on him related to drugs and weapons, in addition, a prosecutor pointed out that the man had “multiple previous convictions.”

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