Sunday, September 22

Eduardo Yáñez announces that he will close his overalls store due to lack of sales

Along with his acting career, in 2019 Eduardo Yáñez fulfilled his dream of becoming the owner of his first overole s store; However, due to the fact that the results were not as expected, this Monday 27 announced the closing of his business.

The artist of 61 years has enjoyed a successful career in film and television; However, luck seems to be against him within the business world, as revealed last Monday through a video posted on Instagram, where the actor confirmed that together with his partner he decided to close the virtual clothing store .

“The news, bad news, regular news is that the Eduardo Yáñez overalls store is closed , my partner Johana Ardilla from Bucaramanga in Colombia, and I have decided to break up our partnership, for the moment to close the store ”.

And he accepts that unfortunately they did not do a good job as owners, since during the months that his store was open, they were not generating the expected sales and contrary to this, the shipping costs of their products were higher.

“Honestly I think we mishandled the marketing of the product and the result of that was very low sales and it cost us more to send the parts that were bought by mail, especially when they bought only one ”.

The protagonist of ‘True love’ and ‘Distilling love’ details that the losses he reports are due to the fact that he never wanted to raise the price of clothing, since the idea was that it was always accessible to all types of consumers.

Although this is bad news, Yáñez also hopes that in the future he will be able to resume this same project, since his overalls shop is an illusion that he wants to continue seeing materialized, yes , with a good planning that leads you to improve profits.

“I will never take my finger off the line because the overalls shop is an illusion for me and I will open it perhaps in other conditions and with better plans. ”

Finally he thanked all those who bought and had a little fun with his shop.

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