Sunday, September 22

Alejandro Nones reveals details of his character in 'Malverde': “He has an essence similar to mine”

After the success of ‘Who Killed Sara’, the life of Alejandro Nones changed completely, and this Tuesday he debuted in one of Telemundo’s most ambitious tele-series, ‘Malverde: El Santo Patron’, starring by Pedro Fernández .

Before the premiere we spoke with the Venezuelan actor, among other things, about his character, Nazario Aguilar, who suffers from hemophilia and the treatment with herbs and his friendship with Jesús Malverde (Pedro Fernández) are his best cure. “It has the essence similar to mine” , he confesses.

Alejandro Nones es 'Nazario' en 'Malverde'
Alejandro Nones is ‘Nazario’ in ‘Malverde’. Photo: Telemundo

– You face to another great character in ‘Malverde’, especially complex …

Alejandro Nones: Yes, definitely. I had never done anything vintage, I had never worked with this fictional world of costumes, animals, carriages … It is impressive how the atmosphere of 1, 910, but at the same time I think that helps too. When people dress up, their attitude changes, if you are dressed up with all the toys, the revolver, the horse, the drunk on the corner, the child playing marbles in the street … All that makes fiction easier, more fluid , more easy. Always with the commitment to tell a story with v erdad, and meet a character that, for the first time, I feel that in essence has many things similar to me , something that never happened to me or I tried to get away from that, and suddenly, I find this character, with pure positive qualifying adjectives … Endearing, kind, honest, faithful, a giver of love for others , and that’s good.

– Nazario, as you say, is a noble soul, but he also has everything not to be because he fights with a disease, what is the message that your character has?

Alejandro Nones: That is one of those questions that I think I am not the one who has to answer, why not I like to have an expectation of what I want to leave with my character. I believe that these things have to happen alone , I always try to tell my character truthfully, without wanting to give lessons , so that it really is the story and the truth of that story, the one that, perhaps, connects and may or may not raise awareness of whatever it is going to achieve.

– The life of an artist is a roller coaster, you fight to achieve that character, that opportunity, how do you feel as an actor, and how human being when you achieve it?

Alejandro: Extremely happy, extremely grateful, overwhelmed, very committed to the gratitude and to all those who contributed so that I was where I am at this moment, from producers, manager; those from before, those from now, colleagues … I do not forget, I never forget, for me the people who have crossed my path are very important, and that Today more than ever I have it on the surface, and above all the commitment to the truth of history . I feel that I am in a moment where you have to push harder than ever, you have to try harder than ever, you have to be committed , faithful to the characters of the story , because as you say in this roller coaster, maybe I’m at a pretty high point, but it’s going to come down as well and I assume that, I understand . The important thing is not to stick to the ego, or to put my chest out like the moment I am living, but how I capitalize on this moment to be part of the place where I want to be, in the search to have access to better characters, better stories, to do what I love in life with dedication , and that allows me to continue growing. That is what has to be important, so I live in the moment without being able to divide the human part with the work part much, because I feel that it is very hand in hand at this moment, because my life at this moment is dedicated to this, why not I believe that no one but people who are very close to me can understand the level of effort, dedication, energy that I am giving to my career.

-We see you traveling a lot, in Festivals, what did you find in the world when people already know who Alejandro Nones is?

Alejandro Nones: I have no words, when I finish recording ‘Malverde’, and I arrive in Cannes , invited by Choprad, a very important brand, the Cannes’s most important sponsor, I find that a project I did makes people know my name all over the world . I had perceived the success of ´Who killed Sara´ through Twitter, Instagram, suddenly, being able to perceive that success in a direct way, in different languages, in different cultures… Lo that I lived in Cannes was something wonderful, and what life continues to give me . Trip to Paris, and it was crazy, I had never experienced something like this, people all over the world, really it has been very overwhelming, very special, very beautiful, and not only from the ego, but from being able to say: “It was worth it” , to find you, to find that it is finally happening, and that excites me a lot.

Also seeing that he does not stop, that he has not stopped, that he travel to Turkey , and crazy. Everything that has happened to me in Spain, I came to promote here and I couldn’t believe it. It was followed by Mexico, Miami, to run away and fly to Madrid, to deliver an award at the Platinum Awards, and from there to Mexico to record a series, then start with the third of ‘Who killed Sara’; in December another project that I am very excited about, which is the second part of a project that I already did, and then in April I start another … I had never been in this position in my life, never, never knew that I was going to spend the next year working , so I live all this excited, grateful.

– Yes You imagine yourself on the plane, looking at your agenda for today that you have all these commitments, almost without breathing.What do you say to the little Ale that from his native Venezuela dreamed of something similar?

Alejandro Nones: (gets excited) My dreams were always very big, my expectations were always very high, and my vision regarding that was always very great … I think I would tell him to relax a little, I think that is what I would also say to today, to relax a little, that things happen because when you give yourself and do them from the heart, they will happen, and if they do not happen, it is because you did not allow it yourself … I would tell you that everything will be fine.



• Alejandro Nones: “Being part of Netflix is ​​a watershed in the career of any actor”

• Alejandro Nones thanks ‘Who Killed Sara’ for the magic of success

• Pedro Fernández becomes the “Mexican Robin Hood”: the singer comes to Telemundo to be Malverde