Saturday, September 21

7 foods and drinks that can cause body odor

El brócoli puede provocarte un  fuerte olor corporal debido a sus compuestos azufrados.
Broccoli can give you a strong body odor due to its sulfur compounds.

Photo: Daria Shevtsova / Pexels

Bad body odor may not necessarily be due to poor hygiene. Also some foods, including healthy foods, can cause the aroma of the body of certain people to be strong or unpleasant.

7 foods and drinks that can cause body odor

1. Garlic and onion

Photo: Karolina Grabowska-Pexels

Not only can onion and garlic cause bad breath, the sweat on your body can carry their scent as well. In some people, body heat and sweat increase. The sulfur compounds of these vegetables are perspired and when combined with sweat bacteria they give rise to an odor unpleasant.

2. Red meat

Hamburguesa y coca cola-Jonathan Borba
Photo: Jonathan Borba / Pexels

Some analyzes suggest that the consumption of red meat has a negative impact on the perceived hedonicity of body odor. Cleveland Clinic explains that red meat can release odorless proteins through perspiration, but when meat proteins mix with skin bacteria, the odor intensifies.

3 . Alcohol

Photo: Engin Akyurt at Pexels

Alcohol is metabolized to acetic acid . What the body cannot metabolize is excreted in a process called oxidation in which toxins are broken down and eliminated through sweat, urine and respiration.

4. Fish

Photo: Sebastian Coman Photography / Pexels

Some people may have an unpleasant fishy odor. It is due to a rare condition called trimethylaminuria. The odor may be constant or it may come and go. It can affect breath, sweat, urine, and vaginal fluids. It can be made worse by eating certain foods, such as fish, eggs, and beans.

The UK National Health Service (NHS) explains that trimethylaminuria happens when the body cannot transform a strong-smelling chemical called trimethylamine that is produced when bacteria break down certain foods into a different, non-smelling chemical.

5. Cruciferous

brócoli y coliflor
Photo: Magda Ehlers / Pexels

Cruciferous vegetables like Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brucelas sprouts are very healthy s but also can cause a strong odor in flatulence and in your body odor due to its sulfur compounds.

6 . Curry

curry y otras especias
Photo: Julia Volk / Pexels

Spicy foods can make you sweat more and thus also cause body odor.

Strong spices like curry, cumin, pepper, horseradish, and fenugreek can also give off a strong aroma when attached to the tongue and teeth. Using an aluminum-free deodorant can help neutralize body odor.

7. Asparagus

espárragos espárragos

Photo: Mali Maeder / Pexels

Asparagus can cause a sulfuric odor in the urine of some people . This happens when sulfuric compounds in asparagus are digested and broken down.

Te may interest:

  • Why you should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach
  • 8 ways to reduce gas from eating beans and other high fiber foods
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