Monday, September 30

Numerology of October 2021: what the tenth month of the year brings for you

Checa cómo aprovechar la energía numerológica de octubre.
Check out how to take advantage of the numerological energy of October.

Photo: Tim Samuel / Pexels

October can be one of the best months of the year, according to numerology, because arrives with the universal energy of balance . It contains the vibration of the number 6 , a figure that is the result of adding 10, for being the tenth month, plus 2021 (1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 6).

6 is a number of perfection and balance since it is the sum of its parts: 1 + 2 + 3 is equal to 6, and 1x2x3 is also 6. Perfect numbers have the energy of harmony, balance and stability, as explained by Astrology Answers in an article.

In this sense, October is a month to take advantage of these vibrations and take stock of our lives.

How to calculate the personal number for October

Calculate the numerological vibration that corresponds to you is simple, you just have to add the number of the year (2021) and month (10 for being October) to the birthday date until it is reduced to a single figure . For example, if you were born on September 28 you add 2 + 8 + 0 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 25, 2 + 5 = 7. In this example, the number 7 corresponds to October of 2021.

What awaits you for October 2021?

Personal month 1

The 1 is associated with independence, competition and the desire for freedom. To find balance in October you need to focus on your relationships and be sensitive to the needs of your loved ones.

Personal month 2

The 2 has an emotional numerological energy. You value your friendships, but now is the time to prioritize your needs to find balance.

Personal Month 3

It is a creative and fun number. The mission for the month of October is to find a balance between fun and hard work.

Personal month 4

This figure in numerology is associated with stability. You may have a hard time having fun, so this month he asks that you also take time for stimulating activities.

Personal month 5

He is adaptable, curious and adventurous. You don’t like plans, you prefer to be spontaneous and go with the flow, however, during October you need to settle down and give your life a dose of stability.

Personal Month 6

Represents unconditional love, compassion and empathy. You will feel the effects of October intensely because it is your universal month. While caring, you should also give yourself the opportunity to defend yourself when necessary.

Month personal 7

It is the number of spirituality, intellect and curiosity. This personality tends to be introverted, the October energy will support you to be a bit outgoing and enjoy time with other people.

Personal month 8

Represents the energy of the work, motivation and infinity. He knows that one has to strive to achieve what one aspires, but in that effort he focuses on materialistic pleasures. The key for October is connecting with your spiritual self.

Personal month 9

The 9 in numerology represents wisdom, transformation and awareness. To strike a balance, you have to think about the things you are grateful for.

T e may be of interest : Numerology: how to calculate your personal year cycle and what it means