Sunday, September 29

Amazon adds extra $ 9.95 delivery cost for Whole Foods orders

Los usuarios de Amazon Prime están incrédulos ante el cargo extra por hacer uso de Whole Foods.
Amazon Prime users are incredulous at the extra charge for using Whole Foods.

Photo: RONNY HARTMANN / AFP / Getty Images

In 2018 Amazon lowered the Whole Foods prices as an offensive against Walmart to become one of the cheapest stores and the best option to buy for its then 8 million customers who were subscribed to Amazon Prime.

Three years later the brand announced the arrival of a new policy that will come into effect at the end of October which has more than 30% of your customers very upset and have even pointed out that they are one step away from canceling their Amazon Prime memberships completely.

Last 24 September Amazon Prime customers received an official email informing them that orders to the grocery store would be charged $ 9. 95 from 25 October.

Whole Foods deliveries were originally free as share of benefits for Prime members paying $ 12 . 119 per month or $ 119 per year plus taxes.

The extra charge turned Amazon Prime customers and have not hesitated to express their discomfort through social networks and have even shared fragments of the statement that It came through email.

Most of them have done accounts and have shown that the charges that the brand wants them represent an expense considerable a week and not to mention a month for making use of Whole Foods.

“Think about it, after Amazon / Whole Foods eliminated their delivery model by including a service fee of $ 10, if you get food delivered at least 2 or 3 times a month, in the end you would be paying $ 50 only for tips and fees ”, said a user through social networks.

Still others assure that the company, beyond charging an additional fee, should polish its delivery services that for some time to date have been “terrible” and have left a lot to be desired, which is why you are not sure if you will remain an Amazon Prime customer.

Meanwhile, the Whole Foods spokesperson told Fox Bussines that the extra cost was added so that prices did not have to be high and to offset operating costs, technology, equipment, etc.

The new prices, according to Amazon, have already been implemented in six cities: Portland, Maine; Providence, Rhode Island; Manchester, New Hampshire; as well as metropolitan areas of Detroit, Boston and Chicago.

In these areas, the new policy came into effect last 30 August, but Amazon has not mentioned whether they continue to have the same sales or have decreased.

What will remain free for Amazon Prime members is grocery pickup as long as when they exceed $ 35 .

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