Friday, September 20

Tesla FSD: San Francisco authorities question its proper functioning

Al igual que en otros lugares de Estados Unidos, en San Francisco la seguridad de los autos Tesla se ha convertido en motivo de preocupación.
As elsewhere in the United States, the safety of Tesla cars has become a concern in San Francisco.

Photo: ElasticComputeFarm / Pixabay

The development of Tesla’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) continues to be a matter of discussion in the United States. As reported by Reuters, the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) has expressed concern about the operation of this system who has allegedly been involved in several accidents with some regrettable balances. According to some reports, the FSD continues to be identified as the main cause of several company cars crashing into emergency vehicles, precisely while using the autopilot function. Concern has increased with the upcoming software update for this system, announced by Tesla in recent weeks.

“We are concerned about the safety record of this service and the name of the service, as it could be confusing for consumers, and we hope that the DMV, the FTC and NHTSA continue to monitor and analyze this problem to protect consumers and the traveling public, ” said Tilly Chang, executive director of the SFCTA , coinciding with the harsh criticism issued by Jennifer Homendy, president of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), who has called “irresponsible” the attitude of Tesla by exaggerating the characteristics of the semi-autonomous driving system in their cars .

For the SFCTA, it is also reprehensible that Tesla continues to insist on calling and selling to this system as an autonomous driving software , when in reality it is an advanced driver assistance system that needs the presence of the same to operate correctly, as argued by several United States senators, who demand that the investigations around the company be much more in-depth .

For now, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is leading the way in investigations into the Tesla driver assistance system , collecting information related to the 11 incidents that share a constant: company cars that are on automatic pilot and that mysteriously end up crashing with using emergency or first aid vehicles. Meanwhile, the manufacturer has made two major modifications to its system: announce the use of a camera that will monitor the driver’s actions within the cabin and incorporate detection of emergency lights in their cars , two measures that, for many experts, seem to be influenced by the actions that are being taken against them.

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