Monday, September 23

70% of the world's companies have a hard time finding employees – it's not just an American problem

Se podría pensar que Estados unidos es el único país que tiene problemas para la contratación de personal, pero no es así, este problema se ha generalizado en todo el mundo
You might think that the United States is the only country that has problems when hiring personnel, but it is not, this problem has widespread throughout the world

Photo: Jorge Macías / Impremedia

Contrary to what one might think, the issue of the shortage of employees is not an issue that is only affecting the United States, since also developing countries or emerging economies such as Mexico are struggling to fill the vacancies left by the impact of the pandemic .

According to a report from the employment service provider Manpower, nearly the 70% of employers worldwide are having difficulties filling vacancies, a situation that I was able to put into context how the consequences of the pandemic have been for companies.

According to the signature, 15 markets around the world, including the United States, reported their hiring outlook to be the highest since the survey began in 1962. According to the report, the United States, Canada and India are among the countries that have some of the strongest recruitment prospects .

Manpower detailed that to combat staff shortages, around 67% of employers are offering more flexibility with work hours and are more lenient regarding where work is done . Approximately 41% is investing in training, skills development and mentoring.

Employers in the United States, as well as those in Canada and Mexico, have the strongest hiring intentions. The 12 industry sectors in the United States reported having “hiring intentions at highs of ten years ”with plans to bring workers back after the pandemic .

After releasing the report, Manpower CEO Jonas Prizing explained that “this recovery is unlike any we have seen before, as hiring intent accelerated much faster than after the previous economic recession. ”

Additionally, Prizing reported that the company is seeing sharp increases in hiring optimism as “vaccine launches gain momentum and lockdown restrictions ease in many markets.” , not only in the United States.

But fears around the virus and the recent increase in cases driven by the Delta variant remain from the Covid – 19 that have stifled hiring plans in many countries, which has prevented it from consolidating economic recovery around the world.

“Some workers are hesitant to re-engage with employers as factors including health and childcare issues, ”Prizing added. As the talent shortage continues, companies will continue to prioritize “retaining and training workers with the skills they need to be successful as the economic recovery continues,” he said.

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