Monday, September 23

Hispanic Heritage Month: The Numbers of Hispanics in the US

En la última década ha habido un incremento en población hispana.
In the last decade there has been an increase in the Hispanic population.

Photo: Gonzalo Marroquin / Getty Images

Officially this day has started what we know as the Month of the Hispanic Heritage a celebration that takes place since 1988, although its origins date back to the years 60, and that have the purpose of recognizing the culture, history and contribution of this sector of society that resides in the United States.

Taking advantage of the start of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Pew Research Center recently published several updated statistics related precisely with this population that lives on American soil, taking into account geography and some characteristics, such as language and groups of origin.

One of The first data shown is that in the last decade, there was a population growth in the US of 22, 7 million; of the total, the 59% were or are of origin.

Also, in the last 10 years ago also There has been an increase in Hispanics in the US who say they are multiracial. More of 20 millions claimed to identify with more than one race in the census of 2020, compared to the only 3 million in 2010. This increase could be due to multiple factors, including changes in the census form and increasing racial diversity among Latinos.

Specifically, in the state of California Hispanics have become the ethnic group larger. In 2020, there were about 15, 6 million, compared to 13 million in 2010. This means that today, they represent the 42% of the total population of the state. The non-Hispanic white population, the next largest group, decreased from 15 million to 13, 7 million during this time, reflecting a broader national trend.

The other two states with the largest Hispanic population are Texas (11, 4 million) and Florida (5.7 million). New Mexico has 1 million Latinos, which represents the 48% of the total population, thus being the highest proportion in the country. Also in the last decade, New York and New Jersey had significant increases.

Another highlight is the demographic boom. From 2010 to 2019 9.3 million babies to Hispanic parents were born in the US, which contrasts with the 3.5 million Hispanic immigrants who arrived in the country in the same period of time.

The population is also growing Latin speaking English. In 2019, 72% of Latinos over 5 years old spoke English, compared to 59% on 2000. In comparison, the 37% of Latino immigrants spoke English in 2019. At the same time, the proportion of Latinos who speak Spanish at home decreased from 2000 to 2019 (78% to 70%).

Fortunately, the Hispanic population today also has more access to study a university degree. Near to 42% of Hispanic Adults in 25 years or more had at least some college experience in 2019, compared to the 36% on 2010. More women than men have attended university (45% Vs. 39%), and a 18% of the total achieves their degree.

It is important to know that of the total of the Hispanic population of Mexican origin is the majority (a 62%); These are followed by those of Puerto Rican origin and hence Cubans, Salvadorans, Dominicans, Guatemalans, Colombians and Hondurans. Although in the last decade the growth of the population of Venezuelan origin is striking, which increased by 126% from 2010 to 2019.

About the legal situation, 4 out of 5 Hispanics are already citizens. Includes those born in the US and its territories, persons born abroad to US parents and immigrants naturalized. Among origin groups, practically all Puerto Ricans are US citizens. The Spanish (93%), the Panamanians (88%) and Mexicans (81%) have some of the highest citizenship rates, while Hondurans (51%) and Venezuelans (48%) have the lowest rates.

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