Tuesday, September 24

VIDEO: Livia Brito turns on TikTok and sends a strong message to Angelique Boyer

Both Livia Brito and Angelique Boyer are one of the most successful and beloved actresses on Hispanic television, and although they are not the closest they are known to have a good relationship because recently, the protagonist of “La Desalmada” decided to make a kind of tribute to the actress of French origin and for this he imitated her in a fun TikTok with which he caused a great stir on social networks.

Through the renowned video platform, the Cuaba actress decided to remember one of the most iconic scenes of Angelique Boyer on television, in which she starred alongside Blanca Guerra in the telenovel called “Abismo de Pasión” where they exchanged slaps, however, the Cuban added a touch of humor and improvised her wardrobe with a towel and together with the content creator, Kevin Achutegui, they gave us a gem of a video.

“This is for you learn to respect me and make it clear to you you are nobody to tell me what I have or not to do ” It was the iconic dialogue of Angelique Boyer that Livia Brito repeated on his TikTok , which was a success because within minutes of being published it accumulated close to 100 thousand likes and more than 600 a thousand times, just on this platform.

After the publication of the funny TikTok , the reactions among Internet users were immediate and comparisons between the two actresses began to emerge immediately, some even pointed out that they should make a remake of “Abyss of Passion” for Livia Brito to show that she can play the role of “Elisa Castañon ”Better than Angelique Boyer.

Although it is known that the relationship between Livia Brito and Angelique Boyer is not that close, both actresses have a good friendship as have known each other for many years, it was even precisely in “Abyss of passion” (2012) when both actresses shared credits in this production of Televis to , however, at that time, the Cuban played a secondary role, while Sebastián Rulli’s partner was the protagonist along with David Zepeda.

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  • Currently, Livia Brito is resting after having finished the recordings of “La Desalmada”, while Angelique Boyer is in the same situation after having finished their participation in “Overcome the past”, so, on social networks, the followers of the actresses have already expressed their desire to see them working on a project together.

    So far, none of the actresses has confirmed what will be the next project in which they will engage, so the possibility of seeing them acting together in a melodrama remains latent.