Tuesday, September 24

In just one day, 1,400 dolphins were killed in the Faroe Islands as part of a “tradition”

Más de 1,400 delfines fueron asesinados el fin de semana en las Islas Feroe como parte de una tradición local.
More than 1, 400 dolphins were killed over the weekend in the Faroe Islands as part of a local tradition.

Photo: Sea Shepherd Global / Courtesy

In the Faroe Islands 1 were killed, 428 white-sided dolphins the 12 of September as part of a local tradition on the coast of Skálafjörður. The environmental organization Sea Shepherd classified what happened as “a brutal massacre poorly managed” in a statement .

Be Shepherd added that the mammals were cornered with boats and jet skis and then killed. They also indicated that what happened on 14 September “ is possibly the largest single hunt of cetaceans ever recorded in the world “.

As indicated by the group, several locals reported that the massacre broke several laws of the Faroe Islands , one of them was that the foreman did not authorize hunting and that several of the participants did not have a license to kill dolphins, a mandatory requirement to be part of the local tradition.

The islands Faroe are an autonomous territory of the Kingdom of Denmark .

“Many of the dolphins were run over by motor boats, essentially by propellers, which would have resulted in a slow and painful death for the dolphins. mammals “, reads the statement.

T Annual whaling is a custom hundreds of years on the island, but generally involves pilot whales, which are more numerous. However, for years this practice has been denounced by various organizations that defend the conservation of the oceans around the world, such as Sea Shepherd.