Saturday, September 21

The positive and negative lessons of the Mars transit in Libra 2021

El tránsito de Marte en Libra destaca en el resto de septiembre.
The transit of Mars in Libra stands out in the rest of September.

Photo: GooKingSword / Pixabay

The transit of Mars in Libra has begun. Of the September to 30 October the planet of action, anger and desire, will be in the balanced, passive and relaxed sign of the scale . Their energies are contrasting, but when combined they have positive and negative implications.

If you feel like you are running slower than usual, it takes a while to bring your thoughts to the light and you do not react as you usually do, it is due to the effects of this planetary transit. And it is that Libra is not a sign where Mars feels comfortable, from the astrological point of view.

Previously in Virgo and the energies were completely different: there was an impulse that made us take action to achieve goals and there was a passion to pursue goals. Now it is the opposite. The vibes are balanced and compassionate, however, it is not entirely negative .

Mars in Libra motivates us to take a look at our deepest desires and be creative, even though we run the risk of getting caught up in dreams. Therefore, you have to harness that intellectual energy to solve problems and find creative solutions, as explained by Astrology Answers.

Libra is not a sign that accustoms conflicts, is diplomatic and does everything in their power to avoid irritating others , that is why it works as a catalyst for Martian energies.

The key points of the combination of Mars in Libra are the balanced approach of passion, appreciation for beauty, justice, understanding, charm, charisma and harmony .

If you come to perceive tension from the contrasting energies of Mars in Libra, there is good news. There is another planet that is in a sign in which you are not comfortable either: Venus in Scorpio . The dance of Mars and Venus by signs that are not related, is combined and compensated , by what this aspect is a complement of the high frequency energies that exist in the cosmos.

In addition, two other aspects will be influencing during the transit of Mars for Libra: a trine of Mars with Saturn in Aquarius on 25 September and the square of Mars with Pluto in Capricorn on 22 October .

According to astrologers consulted by Refinery 29, the first aspect mentioned will be beneficial as it will make us more planners and our efforts could be reflected in reality , while the second is rather negative, as it could lead us to have conflicts and arguments in our relationships.

Astrologers conclude that the transit Mars for Libra is fair, diplomatic and balanced, so it is time to strive to act and stop being passive.

It may interest you: Astrologers warn that in September there will be 7 retrogrades, including Mercury