Sunday, September 22

Hispanic Heritage Month Kicks Off in the United States: Why It Starts in Mid-September

Muchos movimientos independentistas latinoamericanos se registraron en la misma fecha.
Many Latin American independence movements were registered on the same date.

Photo: CLAUDIO CRUZ / AFP / Getty Images

We are now at 15 September which means that from today until next 15 October we will be celebrating what we know as Hispanic Heritage Month , in which the history, as well as customs and traditions of the Hispanic communities and what they contribute to the culture of the United States.

The Month of the Hispanic Heritage has its origins in the year of 1968, when the Public Law was approved 90 – 498. At that time, President Lyndon Johnson issued his mandate that the 15 and of In September, Hispanic Heritage Week would be held in order to grant recognition to this important link in society.

But, why the start of this celebration is mid to the end of September?

It is not something of chance, since on 16 September, 5 Latin American nations commemorate their independence: Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. The 16 is that of Mexico and the day 18 that of Chile.

It was in 1988 when President Ronald Reagan determined that it would no longer be the Week but rather Hispanic Heritage Month and set himself between on 15 September and 15 October to include the day 12 of October, the date on which the Day of Hispanidad and Columbus Day in the USA

Since then, it is celebrated every year throughout the United States through a great diversity of festivals, shows, conferences, community meetings and many other events.

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