Sunday, September 22

Three undocumented persons with false US passports discovered at the border

Tres indocumentados fueron detenidos este miércoles por la patrulla fronteriza en Texas por portar pasaportes falsos.
Three illegal immigrants were arrested this Wednesday by the border patrol in Texas for carrying false passports.

Photo: John Moore / Getty Images



Three illegal immigrants tried to evade immigration authorities by presenting falsified US passports to avoid arrest near the Texas border, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported Wednesday in a Press release.

The incident occurred during the early morning of 11 of September , when Border Patrol (BP) agents assigned to North Laredo, Texas, were conducting immigration checks aboard a commercial passenger bus.

During the review, the agents discovered three undocumented persons who presented fraudulent US passport cards.

The supposed document emulated passport cards that serve Americans for income through land borders, instead of using the passport book.

The undocumented detainees were identified as Jesús Ayala -Cano, a Mexican of 30 years, Leabardo De Lira-Cruz, a citizen of the same country and of 32 years, and Lucas Mancia, Guatemalan of 24 years.

CBP highlighted in the statement that the use of fraudulent documents is another tactic used by criminal organizations to take advantage of migrants knowing that they will be caught by the authorities.

The Department of Justice had already warned last May about the use of false documents.

Angela Dodge, spokeswoman for the Department of Justice for the Southern District of Texas explained in a statement that it is “ illegal to do knowingly and deliberately a materially false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or representation in a matter under the jurisdiction of the Executive, Legislative or Judicial Power of the Government. ”

In short, lie to an official or carry false documents is a crime that can be tried and that can lead to a conviction.

In this sense, the Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) warns that “according to the law, an alien is inadmissible or deportable if the alien falsely represents himself as a citizen of the United States. United for any purpose. ”

The only exception that Congress established to inadmissibility for false declaration of US citizenship requires that each foreign parent be or had been a U.S. citizen, the alien would have resided permanently intently in the U.S. before 24 years and the this person reasonably believed that he was a citizen of the country when he claimed to be, adds the agency.

Read also : Border agents rescued two brothers, aged two months and three years, abandoned in the Rio Grande

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