Sunday, September 29

Justice Department restricts use of choke keys and unannounced entrances

La muerte de George Floyd es un símbolo de la violencia policial y el racismo en EE.UU.
George Floyd’s death is a symbol of police violence and racism in the US

Photo: CHANDAN KHANNA / AFP / Getty Images

The Department of Justice (DOJ) said Tuesday that it would impose strict limitations on when federal law enforcement officers can use choke keys and “no hit” inputs, the latest in a series of steps undertaken by the administration of Joe Biden to reinforce the responsibility of law enforcement and prevent police abuse .

Under the new policies, prohibits federal law enforcement personnel from using handles and “carotid restraints” unless deadly force is authorized, which is considered when an officer has a “Reasonable belief” that they or another person faces imminent danger of death or serious injury.

The DOJ is also imposing new limits on use of “no knock” tickets e ”, which is when agents enter a home without warning and without court orders .

Under the new policy, said entries by force and without notice to residents , can only be used when an agent believes there is a threat to physical security . In those circumstances, the agent must receive approval from a federal prosecutor and his law enforcement component.

If an agent does not anticipate the need for a no-hit entry when the warrant was requested, you can make such an entry only if “compelling circumstances arise at the scene” that would put the agent or another person at risk. In those cases, the officer must “immediately” notify their supervisor and provide written notice to federal prosecutors.

“Build trust between law enforcement and the public we serve is central to our mission at the Department of Justice, ”said Attorney General Merrick Garland at a statement. “The limitations implemented today on the use of ‘choke braces,’ ‘carotid restraints,’ and ‘no-hit’ entry orders, combined with our recent expansion of body cameras to federal DOJ agents, are among the important steps that is taking the department to improve security and accountability of law enforcement agencies. ”

The new law enforcement restrictions federal law are the result of a review conducted by Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, according to CBS News.

In a four page memo addressed to Justice Department entities, Monaco said the department determined that it “did not have consistent written policies across all of its law enforcement components” on the use of chokes or no-knock entrances when executing court orders.

Monaco acknowledged that, in many cases, the use of chokes, which restrict capacity an individual’s breathing, and carotid restrictions, which restrict blood flow to the brain, “has too often led to tragedy.”