Monday, September 30

Alessandra Rosaldo asks for help for her newborn nephew: “They are going to have a heart operation”

Alessandra Rosaldo used her social networks to ask for help for her nephew, who at his young age had to to be operated on the heart for which he required blood and platelet donors.

A few days ago celebrated his birthday in style 50 , however , the actress and singer went through moments of anguish due to the delicate state of health of her little nephew.

It was through the stories of her official Instagram account, where she explained in the midst of the anguish that her nephew was born last 10 of September and with only a few days he will have to undergo a heart operation , for which he requested through a video the help of several donors.

“I want to ask you for help for my nephew who was born three days, my nephew Esteban, and tomorrow he will be operated on heart. They are asking us for RH-negative blood or RH-negative platelets at the hospital. I thank you in advance from my heart. ”

Eugenio Derbez’s wife was shown a list of the requirements that they should meet people who attend to donate blood to a hospital in Mexico City.

“Here are the requirements, yes and you do not meet them, you may know to someone who s can donate “, he added to the message.

After the anguish that Alessandra experienced, this Monday she reported through the same medium that her nephew had a successful operation and that thanks to the support of those who attended her request, they were able to gather a sufficient number of donors.

“Hello team, I just want to thank you for the impressive response about my stories yesterday from my nephew. Thank you for your prayers, for your good wishes , for your messages and I want to share with you that thank God Esteban came out of the operation perfectly well, that’s it in recovery. He will be recovering for a few days, but everything went well. I love you, thank you ”, it is heard said in three videos published on his social profile.

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