Monday, September 30

Giselle Blondet ready for 'Nuestra Belleza Latina': “These women come with everything”

This next 26 September, at 8/7 PM Central, ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’ returns to Univision. After 3 years without one of the most watched reality shows on television, they return bolder, more evolved, ensuring that what they are looking for is a woman 360 , to the next talent in the chain.

Under the leadership of Alejandra Espinoza and with Jomari Goyso, Daniella Álvarez, Adal Ramones and Giselle Blondet in the jury, the goal is inclusion, but with respect for talent, professionalism and discipline of delivery.

A few days before it starts we interviewed Giselle Blondet , who was the first presenter of the show until she gave the place to her first queen, Alejandra . In a year where her faith was put to the test and she knew how to face fear with integrity, she says she is ready for ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’: “These women come with everything” .

– Back to ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’ that ‘son’ that you gave him life and watched him evolve …

Giselle Blondet: Yes, in a different way, ´Our Beauty´ is evolution in every way … If you use me As an example and Alejandra (Espinoza), NBL is my baby, I leave and our first queen, Alejandra Espinoza, enters. It gives me the opportunity to be on that side then, where I really can now, with everything I know about what happens with girls always, what they think, feel, their anxieties, their dreams, in a way that the judges cannot fully know, but I do know because I have lived it and I can help them in a different way, I love it.

– You have seen the evolution of the show, next to the world, where the beauty pageant no longer send it, but women 360.

Giselle Blondet: Absolutely, and I think it is necessary, we are always talking about having a healthy self-esteem, that we must fight for our goals , but the first thing we have to do is to stop judging ourselves, and we have to start accepting and loving ourselves , doing what makes us feel better, and showing off everything that we are and represent with pride, because we are all unique, none of us are perfect, but we are in some way, because imperfections are what give us the opportunity to stand out , to grow, to change, to improve …

The program has evolved in a wonderful way, at first I felt that our program gave everyone the opportunity, at that time it was. However, the girls entered and they were required to lose weight and all those things that we already know were part of that time, and very well Osmel Sousa , as the leader in that of the search for the queens of traditional beauties, gave them advice on that level. But now ´Our Beauty´ is inclusive , and the girls have to have 18 years but there can participate women of any age, tall, short, plump, not so plump, whatever they are . The important thing is that they believe in themselves, and that they show that they have everything it takes to become that communicator that the public will want to see.

– Nelson Ruiz, may he rest in peace, was the executive producer, he sowed this seed of inclusion in every sense, in the winner, and also in the jury, we saw it with Denise Birot that last time, and now we see it with Daniella Álvarez. How do you feel in such a diverse jury?

Giselle Blondet: I feel privileged, excited because I know this is going to be very good for all the girls, and it will be good for him public , because it will be possible to entertain that, after all, is one of our main reasons. Each of us has a different experience of life , on a professional level, and we can contribute something to build, to help transform these girls. Something that I loved is that there is Adal Ramones, there is Daniela, there is Jomari Goyso, and there is me , and you can have a group like that but they don’t get along, they never agree with things, that you have different ideas … We do not, we can have different skills, according to our experience, but we agree a lot in our values ​​, our principle is to build not destroy, transform lives, so this year is going to be a magical year for me.

How you like to be told things that have not been told to Nobody, I’m going to tell you that among the girls that we have, we have a very great diversity, with incredible talents , I think this season is going to be one of the most competitive , where there are a number of women with incredible talents and beauties, and with a desire to win this competition. I do not know if it is because of what is happening in the world, these women come with everything.

– What surprised you about what you saw and that you can tell us tell?

Giselle Blondet: Some of the girls, who have millions of followers on platforms like Tik Tok, Reel and all that, and they want to have a place on TV . I love it, because here I have been on television all my life, I manage to have a place on those platforms and it is not easy for me, so I know that It is not easy for them to enter our world of television, it is a real challenge and I really like that this is happening… I find many girls who are fighting for their countries … News every day is not so encouraging, we have the opportunity to sit down and watch a program where we are going to laugh, we are going to cry, we are going to see these stories of people who believed they had everything lost … This season will also give the public the opportunity to vote together with the judges… Migbelis Castellanos is participating in the digital part, we have Amara La Negra who will be with her in the mansion, she will be incredible.

– What are you looking for in your wife 360?

Giselle: This is like looking for a boyfriend… I want to see a person who has respect for this profession, disciplined, willing to learn, who connects , and to connect it does not necessarily have to be a person with a traditional beauty … there are people who have the most beautiful hair, the most incredible eyes, the most perfect measurements and they do not connect, so for me it is very important that it is someone who connects. That is always willing to learn , because The day you feel that you know everything, that day your career is over. I am not interested in supporting a person who is going to enter and have the success of a day, of a year , I don’t want that, I want to see a person like Alejandra Espinoza, like Ana Patricia, like Clarissa, like Francisca Lachapel, like Greidys Gil, a person who is really going to take this profession seriously. she is going to worry about those people who voted for her, and who are going to develop a career, and they are going to make an example for other girls.

– You have had a year of many tests: your daughter’s heart attack, COVID – 19 positive… How are you?

Giselle Blondet: I’m fine. I don’t know if it’s because of my faith, I see my trials as blessings , as opportunities … Obviously I get sad, I worry and all those things, but I always turn around Everything, because I know that what I am experiencing is going to bring something good in my life, because that is how time has proven it.

At the moment, many times I do not understand it, There is no way to understand what happened to my daughter , how can I understand that, but I know that it brings something positive and it has brought it, and it is bringing it in my life daughter, the value you place on the family. I never focus on the sad part , on the negative part, never. All of us on the jury agree on that, Jomari is a man who has seen him as a fight , how he gets ahead. Daniella, a traditional beauty queen, and what happened to her happens , where would she be right now? She is there, ready to share her experience with all these girls , to enrich their lives. Adal has gone through difficult moments in his life , which he himself has told about, and yet he is a successful man, who has overcome himself, who has had to fight because not he was the highest, because he was not … Well, there he is and he is also sharing his experience.

– The first thing that girls face is fear, which sometimes paralyzes them, life put them in front of you this year, how do you fight with fears?

Giselle Blondet: In my case it is with faith… With fear I do not solve anything, fear paralyzes, it does not let you get ahead … I look for strength from where it would seem that I do not have it, and I always hold on tight with faith … I know things they will be fine and I always go to me and say: “ I don’t know now, I don’t know how I’m going to solve it, but I know I’m going to be able to do it ” … That is what I want to convey to each of them. It is not easy to stand in front of someone and be told something negative , nobody likes to be told something that can make you feel insecure or make you feel bad or less than another one you are competing with.



Daniella Álva rez judge of ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’: “The beauty of a person he is not alone physically ”

Gabriel Coronel : “I have the responsibility to be part of the dreams of the participants”

Surprise! Adal Ramones and Giselle Blondet judges of ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’