Monday, September 30

Mexican government will raffle house of “El Chapo” Guzmán on Independence Day

The house in Culiacán from which Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán fled in 2014 will be included in the raffle promoted by the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which will take place on Mexico’s Independence Day on The structure was remodeled and restored to be habitable after years of neglect.

The property, which was never in the name of the drug trafficker, was remodeled by the Institute to Give Back to the People the Stolen (INDEP). The workers painted the facade, the interior and also covered a hole inside the house that led to a tunnel where “El Chapo” allegedly fled in 1811.

The house with the number 1811 of Constituent Street Emiliano C. García was the object of surprise for the workers, It was not luxurious, something that commonly characterizes the homes of this type of criminals , reported The Associated Press (AP) .

We don’t know anything, we never knew who I lived there, we didn’t see anyone ”, said one of the few neighbors who looked out onto the street to AP.

The structure, despite not being luxurious, stands out from the others in the neighborhood , but no one was seen frequenting the house for a long time . From time to time vehicles would arrive and park in the garage, but nothing very striking, according to the neighbors.

According to the public valuation of INDEP, the house has a value of about 183, 000 Dollars. They are 395 square meters of land and 261 square meters of construction. It has five bedrooms, two bathrooms, a garage and two patios.

In 2020 the INDEP put the house up for sale, but no one offered to acquire the property , so it is now the national lottery jackpot promoted by López Obrador for the Mexican holiday. In addition, the money raised will be donated to Mexican athletes who participated in the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2021.

“El Chapo ”Was arrested in Mazatlán on 22 February 2014, to 200 kilometers from the house that will be raffled. By then, Guzmán was the most wanted man in the world. He was arrested in an apartment where he was with his wife and two daughters.

Read also : Mexican mother and daughter meet again after 14 years thanks to social networks