Monday, September 30

Prosecutor asks Interpol for a red card to locate Inés Gómez Mont and her husband

Last Friday 10 it was announced that An arrest warrant was issued against the Mexican presenter Inés Gómez Mont and her husband, Víctor Manuel Álvarez Puga , and although she herself came out to deny said information, in the last hours it emerged that the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), would have requested the Interpol issue a red token to locate the couple .

According to the information revealed by the portal Animal Político , The Special Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime Investigation (SEIDO) reported that the couple has been outside of Mexico since several months ago, for which they are considered fugitives from justice .

This request would have been requested for their search in 140 countries after a judge ordered to his immediate presentation and preventive detention for his alleged responsibility in the crimes of embezzlement, operations with resources of illicit origin and organized crime, since they would have participated in the creation of shell companies in order to facilitate money laundering, tax evasion, as well as the diversion of public resources.

Likewise, it is mentioned that Inés Gómez Mont and Victor Manuel Álvarez Puga have the option of presenting themselves voluntarily to request protection, but if their guilt is proven in the authorship of said crimes, could reach an accumulated penalty ranging from 20 to 60 years in prison .

After being revealed this information, the driver has not commented on the matter and we only have knowledge of a statement that she shared last Friday, in which she categorically denied that there is There is an arrest warrant against him and others involved, since everything has been about “ press reports with partial and maliciously filtered information “.

“I will keep you informed about this sad and painful situation. Thanks for your affection”.

Who a few days ago came out in defense of the Televisa host , was Galilea Montijo during a segment of the program ‘Hoy’, where he spoke about the painful situation legal of his comadre and friend.

“You have to come and talk to the authorities, which is what you have to do. He has to face justice as he should “.

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