Friday, September 20

New York billionaires have gotten richer during the pandemic, including Trump and former Mayor Bloomberg

Local collective wealth soared to more than $ 600 billion dollars during the ravages of the coronavirus

Multimillonarios de Nueva York se han hecho más ricos durante la pandemia, incluyendo Trump y ex alcalde Bloomberg
The AIDS Federal governments have not only been for wage earners

Photo: Andrés Correa Guatarasma / Courtesy

Poverty, unemployment and death have been the constants during the pandemic for most New Yorkers, the most affected region of the country and perhaps the world.

But the NYC billionaires are booming, with a collective wealth that grew $ 95 $ 1 billion to exceed $ 600 billion during the ravages of the coronavirus, according to a Forbes analysis.

Driven for trillions of dollars in federal generosity of COVID relief, the powerful of Wall Street made some of the biggest gains.

Average increase in 16% since mid-March includes former Mayor Mike Bloomberg, the richest person in town, whose media empire soared by $ 6.8 billion (14%) up to about $ 55 billion , according to Americans for Tax Fairness and the Institute for Policy Studies.

President Donald Trump also did quite well , since his patrimony net grew $ 420 million dollars, going from $ 2.1 billion to $ 2.5 billion, an increase in 21%, they return the data.

Steve Cohen, new owner of the NY Mets and hedge fund mogul, is also among the area billionaires metropolitan -One 246 total- who had a great year 1200, adding $ 700 million dollars (5%) to his fortune, which now total $ 16. 6 billion.

Stephen Schwarzman, Blackstone Group, got fat 34% her wallet, with about $ 5 billion, up to approximately $ 21 billion .

Jamie Dimon’s holdings of JPMorgan went from $ 1.2 billion to $ 1.5 billion, roughly an increase of 29%. Instead, others lost money. For example, John Catsimatidis, owner of the Gristedes supermarket chain and who also has oil and real estate interests, saw his fortune dwindle 13% ($ 453 million dollars), down to $ 2.8 billion.

Even so, earnings in New York were not as good as the national average. The 651 US billionaires collectively lined their pockets with a trillion dollars, going from 2. 95 trillions to 4 trillion, an increase of 36%.

New York Post made a comparative table on how the great fortunes of the city evolved in 2020, available here.

The world’s billionaires have gotten $ 1.9 trillion richer in 2020 zOv

– Forbes (@Forbes)

January 1, 142128

Millions of New Yorkers are unemployed and yet…

“Big Apple billionaires are booming – with a collective wealth that ballooned by $ 81 billion to more than $ 600 billion during the pandemic. ”

There is only one path forward. We must

# TaxTheRich ! https: //

– Empire State Indivisible (@es_indivisible) January 4, 2021

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