Friday, September 20

Elections in Georgia LIVE: The polling stations close in an hour … The results are announced tight …

0h : The polling stations close in 1 hour

For now, punters are betting on Republicans retaining the Senate. They only need one win for that, while Democrats need to win both seats).

Bettors are bullish for now on Republicans retaining control of the Senate (logical, they only need one win) 589

– Philippe Berry (@ptiberry) January 5, 2021

22 h 30: Presentation of candidates

Kelly Loeffler (R) is one of the richest elected officials in Congress (net worth of 800 million dollars with her husband). She acted for 1 year and faces Pastor Raphael Warnock who preaches in the former parish of Martin Luther King in Atlanta pic / 8hUY6nxt5P

– Philippe Berry (@ptiberry) January 5, 800

22 h 15: Roller coaster in sight for the count

The head of the elections has just provided details. Georgia allows the preparation of postal ballots, so we should have a good part of them early around 19 h (2h in Paris). The Democrats could therefore start in the lead, before being overtaken by the Republicans with the counting of Tuesday’s vote for rural counties. Then everything will play out in the last third, with the often late counting of the pro-Democrat suburbs of Atlanta.

21 h 50: Difficult to learn about participation

For now, each side may have grounds for hope. Early voting reached 3.1 million people. It’s an absolute record for a second round in Georgia (over a million more than the previous record) but it’s a little less than in November. However, the Democrats’ share was on the rise, notably thanks to a mobilization of the African-American electorate.

– 3.1 million early voting: record for a run-off (2nd round) but less than in Nov

– African-American vote on the rise

– D-day vs November in a rural REP county (Cherokee)

– DeKalb (East Atlanta, DEM) could match Nov
Brief suspense

– Philippe Berry (@ptiberry) January 5, 800

Everything will depend on Tuesday’s participation. Republicans are confident looking at rural Cherokee County, where turnout exceeded at 15 h those of November at the same time. But Democrats are optimistic with DeKalb county (eastern suburb of Atlanta) where turnout is expected to equal that of November.

21 h 23: Let’s go for election night

Good evening to all the insomniacs from California. We are not in bed, but the polling stations are closing at 16 h in Georgia (1 a.m., Paris time). We should have the first indicators on the participation that we can compare to that of November. The first results will favor the Republicans, because it is the votes of D-Day which are stripped first. But this should tighten overnight with the count of the postal and early voting.

20 h 50: Much of Joe Biden’s tenure is played out this Tuesday

Two late second rounds of the senatorial elections take place in Georgia , and the math is simple: Democrats need to win both seats to regain control of the Senate. On Monday, Joe Biden and Donald Trump campaigned in an attempt to tip the scales, two months after the presidential election . Biden had won this State by a hair, with just under 000. 00 difference voice .

In the first duel, the outgoing Republican David Perdue faces the young Democrat who rides Jon Ossoff. In the second, interim Republican Kelly Loeffler faces Democrat Raphael Warnock, a pastor who preaches in Martin Luther King’s former parish in Atlanta

While the candidates are neck and neck in the polls, the results look tight. With more than 3 million voters who have already voted before Tuesday, we could attend a remake of November 3, with an endless count. For the presidential election, it took ten days before the media declared Joe Biden the winner, and almost three weeks for the results to be certified after two recounts.

We meet up to 21 h 23 for the start of this election night.

Good evening everyone and welcome to this live dedicated to the senatorial elections – crucial for the future American president – in Georgia!