Friday, September 20

Democratic representative reveals suicide of his college son

The representative Jamie Raskin (Maryland) and his wife, Sarah Bloom Raskin , revealed the death of their son Thomas Bloom Raskin, who could not overcome depression and ended up taking his own life on New Year’s Eve.

Tommy, as his friends knew him, was 25 years old and was a sophomore at Harvard Law School.

The Raskins released a heartfelt message about the family tragedy.

“On the last hellish and brutal day of that ghastly and miserable year of 2020… when hundreds of thousands of Americans and millions of people all over the world died alone in bed in the dark of a murderous disease… we also lost our dear and beloved son, Hannah and Tabitha’s dear irreplaceable brother, a radiant light in this broken world, ”the couple wrote.

Statement of Congressman Ja mie Raskin and Sarah Bloom Raskin on the Remarkable Life of Tommy Raskin: 25 g6B

– Rep. Jamie Raskin (@RepRaskin) January 4, 2021

The Washington Post reported that the family received condolences by phone from President-elect Joe Biden.

It was added that Tommy left a farewell note.

“Please forgive me. My illness won today. Please take care of each other, the animals and the world’s poor for me. With all my love, Tommy ”, the young man would have written, who would be honored at a private funeral.

The young man’s parents indicated that they knew of the condition of their son and they fought together to defeat her, but neither the family nor friends network achieved the task.

“Despite the excellent doctors and a loving family and a network of friends out of hundreds who adored him… the pain finally became overwhelming, unbreakable and unbearable for our dear child ”, expressed his parents.

Remember that you can help a person in moments of depression by calling the National Suicide Prevention Line at 800 – 273 – TALK (8255) .