Monday, September 30

Automatic transmission: what it is and how it works

A diferencia de la transmisión manual, la transmisión automática en un vehículo realiza los cambios de velocidad por su cuenta.
Unlike the manual transmission, the automatic transmission in a vehicle performs gear changes on its own.

Photo: Jens P. Raak / Pixabay

In a vehicle, an automatic transmission – also known as an “automatic transmission” – is responsible for changing the car’s gears when it is running , a task that is in the hands of the driver when it comes to manual transmissions. Although many drivers prefer manual gearboxes, automatic transmissions are often more popular because they are much easier to operate, r since they only involve the use of the accelerator, brake, and steering wheel. However, despite facilitating the act of driving, its operation is usually quite complex.

According to Bardahl , It is very difficult to understand the operation of automatic transmissions due to the large number of pieces that compose them and that come into play during their process. However, there are some characteristics that can define its performance a bit with respect to manual transmissions:

1. Unlike manual transmissions, automatic transmissions do not have a clutch or clutch . Therefore, its control over the behavior of the engine is exerted with a part called the bell that, at the same time, contains the torque converter, an element that works with the pressure exerted by the movement of the transmission oil.

2. This element, in turn, will move the gears responsible for carrying out the changes in a very precise way . The demands of the brand will be responsible for varying the pressure of the transmission oil which, in turn, will function as a signal for the box to make the corresponding change, through different positions of the gears that compose it.

Even though automatic transmissions basically work that way, experts consider that not all are the same . Currently, there are variants that have derived from the advancement of this type of technology, which is becoming increasingly complex and has led many manufacturers to have manual transmissions as an alternative for customers who prefer them, as has happened. with the Ford Bronco, a vehicle that comes with certain customization packages that include .

In addition to being easier to operate, automatic boxes have other benefits, including its stability . Manual transmissions require more synchronization so that the engine maintains its gear and does not turn off, something that does not happen in automatic vehicles, which stay on despite different speed variations. Among the main disadvantages is the high fuel consumption, a fact that, however, is not proven.

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