Sunday, September 22

Cryptocurrencies: Astrology Predicts They Will Displace the Dollar

Criptomonedas como Bitcoin revolucionarán al mundo, según la astrología.
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin will revolutionize the world, according to astrology.

Photo: André Francois McKenzie / Unsplash

Cryptocurrencies could displace the dollar as a common currency in the world When any establishment accepts exchanges with these assets, banks will cease to be intermediaries and a revolution will begin in the rules of everyday life, say the astrological predictions .

Astrologers support this forecast in a planetary movement that was present in events that changed the world. The transit of Uranus in Taurus began in December 2019 and will end until July 2025, the last time it happened was 1935 to 1949, time marked by the Great Depression and World War II.

Uranus is the planet of advances , shocks and revolution, while Taurus is a conservative sign that prefers routine and permanence. When a star is in a sign with such opposite characteristics, the impacts can be deeper than when it is located in a sign that is related or is its ruler.

In this way, this transit is likely to affect daily life and be revolutionized. But how do astrologers relate it to cryptocurrencies?

An interesting pattern occurred precisely in the past transit of Uranus in Taurus. America was in the Great Depression during that cosmic movement. This caused the world’s largest economies, which were mired in a crisis, to stop supporting their gold reserves and supported their economy in dollars, or pounds in the case of the United Kingdom.

Astrologers see that, now, the same could happen, but with cryptocurrencies.

In the 2021 we have been witnessing how multinational companies have welcomed the use of Bitcoin.

The acceptance of digital currencies would eliminate intermediaries (banks) and its implications would be as amazing as the replacement of the electric vehicle to the gasoline engine, “ Such are the possible changes under Uranus in Taurus ”, commented astrologer Philip Young in an Ask Astrology article.

The expert in the spiritual arts sees that history could repeat itself. “Therefore, it is not surprising that, as one aspect of American history, the period between 1935 and 1942, and the years shortly after, when Uranus entered Gemini, was one of the most amazing advances in technology and social norms”.

Uranus drives great strides, but what makes this period special is that it occurs in a sign Earth (Taurus) so its impact will be on the everyday world, he suggested.

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