Monday, September 23

AMLO expects a “new stage” with the US on migration after sending letter to Joe Biden

Prior to the High Level Economic Dialogue meeting (DEAN) to be held in Washington by the representatives of the governments of the United States and Mexico, the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador wanted the Government of Joe Biden to open a “new stage” in immigration matters.

“I hope there is an answer and that a new stage begins, because historically only limiting and containing the migratory flow has been carried out,” he said.

From the National Palace, Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that in the letter that he will send to his American counterpart Joe Biden before conducting the Dialogue of High Level, will ask you to address the causes of migration and to offer temporary work visas for Central American migrants.

“It is basically the immigration issue and a proposal to order the migratory flow by putting into practice a plan so that there is work in Central America, that there is care for the inhabitants of Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, address the causes … It is not possible with coercive measures to solve a problem that requires a thorough, comprehensive treatment, “he said.

The Mexican president pointed out that the action of the federal elements of the National Institute of Migration and the National Guard, by preventing the advance of the caravans in the south of the country, is to “take care” of migrants and that they do not take risks on their way to the north of the country.

The High Level Economic Dialogue meeting that both countries will hold in Washington will be It will take place next Thursday, September 9 and will be led by the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, while on the part of Mexico by Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard.

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