Sunday, September 29

My car was taken by the police: how to get it back

En Estados Unidos, los vehículos pueden ser remolcados siempre que el conductor o el mismo vehículo no estén cumpliendo con las leyes.
In the United States, vehicles can be towed as long as the driver or the vehicle itself is not complying with the laws.

Photo: Matt Chesin / Unsplash

When the police tow a car in the United States there are several risks , normally associated with storage fees that can become very high if the release of the vehicle is not requested as soon as possible. According to Criminal Defense Lawyer, the authorities can make use of their right to tow a vehicle under the laws that have been violated by the driver, but this right is not always associated with its conservation. Therefore, the first thing to do when a car is towed by the police is to request immediate release on the lot to which it has been taken .

To request the release of a vehicle, the driver must have proof that said vehicle is protected by an auto insurance policy , at least in the basic coverage which is the liability coverage . Registration, with current and valid license plates in the state where you reside , it must be in order, as well as the title deed. When the car does not belong to the driver, the owner must be present to do this type of procedure .

In some cases, depending on the seriousness of the crime or external circumstances related to the lot where the vehicle was stored, Applicants will most likely need a court order to enforce their claim . The later the release of the vehicle, the higher the final amount related to storage fees. These fees are the responsibility of the driver or the owner of the car, however, when the vehicle has a seizure order, which implies its preservation, then the police department that ordered its retention will be in charge of paying such fees.

In most cases, drivers whose vehicles have been towed can go directly to the lot and request to have the vehicle delivered , as long as they have the corresponding documents to carry out this procedure. It is also common for the batch that was in charge of the towing process to request a payment for its transportation and storage service, which may be less or more, depending on the length of time the vehicle has had in its facilities.

When this process is not carried out on time, it is very likely that the agency hired by The police to tow the car consider that it has been abandoned and the release process ends up becoming more and more complicated, as the days go by.

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