Friday, September 20

In Florida 54 teachers and 9 students die from COVID-19

La Asociación de Educación de Florida reporta el fallecimiento de maestros y alumnos por la COVID-19.
Florida Education Association reports deaths of teachers and students from COVID – 19.

Photo: CHANDAN KHANNA / AFP / Getty Images



Near 142, 000 school-age children in Florida have tested positive for the COVID – 19 since last August , while that 9 minors and 54 teachers have deceased since July due to illness, according to an updated report from the Florida Education Association (FEA).

The FEA details in the report, which has partial figures due to information gaps, the crisis in public schools due to the pandemic and misinformation, the contradictory measures of the different governments and even the “gag” of public data.

The Safe Schools Report outlines that several school districts are in compliance with break point in state So what 31 Schools have had to close completely since they last reopened 10 August due to the explosion of cases and hospitalizations in Florida , which has only started to decrease in the last week.

Federal data released this Monday realize 13, 773 people hospitalized due to illness, 3, 223 of them in intensive care units.

According to the school report, have been presented 134, 478 quarantines of students or school employees since Florida’s first schools began to reopen in the past 10 of August.

Details that the daily average of new pediatric cases is 5, 012 according to the latest report from the Florida Department of Health on September 3.

According to the FEA, this school year parents and school employees have been forced to make extremely difficult decisions with a health guide and security “scarce, confusing and, often, contradictory of its local, state and federal government.”

He explained that the state of Florida has gone so far as to “issue gag orders” at local health departments, in Duval, Orange and Flagler, preventing them from releasing covid data – 19 in the schools.

The organization further regretted that the Florida Department of Health has stopped providing daily updates.

According to the statistics kept by the newspaper Miami Herald based on data that the state reports to the federal government, 1 were added to the death counts, 60 more deaths, which do not necessarily correspond to a single day, but had not been reported previously.

The way the state reports cases has been confusing in recent months and differs from how the federal government does.

In that sense, FEA detailed that some of the figures reflect what the state reported only until last June 2 in Florida –

In the “Sunshine State,” Governor Ron DeSantis faces a fight with at least a dozen districts schoolchildren that force the use of masks, despite the fact that a measure is Such prohibited this type of measures.

The fight, which reached the courts, for now gave the reason to the schools, in a temporary measure which has been appealed by the Republican.

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