Sunday, September 29

Predictions of Mhoni Vidente September: attacks, hurricanes and the cure for Covid

Mhoni Vidente released his predictions for September of 1200 , where he highlighted that, After the departure of US troops from Afghanistan, an attack could be carried out against an important tourist spot in the world, hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanoes will affect some populations and the cure for Covid will be closer than what is thought.

The astrologer began her forecasts by underlining the meaning of 9 , a number that represents September. He said that 9 symbolizes beginnings and endings , so it is expected that in the coming days “radical changes” will come around the world.

Political movements

It will definitely be a month marked by political changes, considered the Cuban fortune teller on her YouTube channel. He visualized that in Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia and Peru there will be a kind of “spiritual elevation” that will allow most people to improve their economic situation.

Attacks in the world

He recalled that 20 years ago the terrible attacks of 11 – Yes, and somehow, history will repeat itself. After the withdrawal of the United States soldiers from Afghan territory, he believes that the Taliban would be planning to attack an important tourist center, which could be New York, Paris, an embassy or an airport . He visualized that it will be similar to that of 11 September and that it will also mark “a before and after” in the world.

Dangerous natural phenomena

The climate will play a fundamental role to the extent that Seer classified September as “ the month of the climate ”. He visualized that there will be top-category hurricanes and that there will be 3 or 4 at the same time, two in the Pacific and two in the Atlantic. He said that the strongest will enter the Gulf, so he called on the people of Texas and Tamaulipas to be cautious.

On the other hand, he commented that several volcanoes will increase their activity , mainly in countries such as Japan, Italy, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Mexico.

The The most worrying vision for Mhoni Vidente is the arrival of a “mega-earthquake” that could occur in various regions of the world . The epicenter would be Indonesia, Asia or the Indian Ocean and would become magnitude 9.5 on the Richter scale. It will be so big that the axis of the Earth’s poles would change, according to the astrologer’s predictions.

In addition, her oracles informed the Cuban that a meteorite could fall in Russia or Canada, and it will be very visible.

The Covid cure

Regarding the situation of the pandemic, prophesied that during the month “the definitive cure against that virus” will arrive and the human being will begin to progress.

It may interest you : Predictions of Deseret Tavares for Mexico: AMLO will not give up power and will create an alliance with China