Monday, September 16

Apple Wallet: users in eight states will be able to add ID and driver's license

Los defensores de los documentos de identidad digitales sostienen que son más seguros que los documentos físicos.
Proponents of digital identity documents argue that they are more secure than physical documents.

Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

Arizona, Georgia, Connecticut, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Oklahoma and Utah will be the states where users can digitally store a driver’s license and IDs in the Appple Wallet application .

So far it is not known exactly when it will be in operation the application in each of the states , but the company promised to send more information.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has confirmed that it will open certain checkpoints and security lanes at airports for Apple’s mobile IDs once states begin to make them operational.

Add a State ID card or a driver’s license to the Apple Wallet app will work as similar to the way a credit card is currently added .

Without However, after scanning the license or ID with the iPhone camera, will also be prompted to take a selfie that the state can use for verification .

Apple says that “users will also be asked to complete a series of facial movements during the setup process ”to provide greater security. Apple said that biometric authentication is required for data to be shared .

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Usuarios de ocho estados podrán añadir identificación y licencia de conducir al Apple Wallet-apple_wallet-state-id_hero_08232021.jpg
Apple mentions that its application ensures consumer privacy protection. Photo: Apple.

How will Apple Wallet work?

Identity documents “are presented digitally through an encrypted communication between the device and the identity reader, so users do not need to unlock, show or hand over their device ”, according to Apple .

The company has reported that its application guarantees the protection of consumer privacy when presenting an identification through a mobile device .

This new functionality will be included in the iOS system 15 when the software update is released this fall. However, states will be responsible for deciding whether to validate state IDs and driver’s licenses on the app. Wallet.

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