Wednesday, October 2

A third migrant caravan leaves southern Mexico bound for the United States

Nueva caravana migrante avanza de México rumbo a Estados Unidos.
New migrant caravan moves from Mexico to the United States.

Photo: ALFREDO ESTRELLA / AFP / Getty Images



After the practical dissolution of the first two by the authorities, a third migrant caravan made up of hundreds of people , mostly Haitians, Venezuelans and Central Americans, left this Wednesday from the municipality of Tapachula, in the southeastern state of Chiapas, north of Mexico.

Most of the people who travel in this migratory exodus are men, women and children who have stayed for several days, and even months, waiting for official documents that allow them to stay or transit through Mexico.

However, desperation and lack of money have forced them to leave in a caravan as the only way to advance towards the northern border of the country.

Nor the heavy rain thathas been in the region since the early morning stopped the contingent, which is carrying several pregnant women.

This new flow of migrants walked this morning quickly and advanced about five hours along the Huehuetán-Huixtla highway section, where they could rest on Wednesday afternoon.

Fear of the authorities

Since last weekend have formed two other migrant caravans in the region, which although they advanced several dozen kilometers, were finally dissolved by the National Guard and other federal authorities.

In the first caravan there was a collision and two agents from the National Institute of Migration (INM) beat a migrant, in a highly criticized event and for which they were removed from the service.

Three UN agencies -Acnur, IOM and UN-DH- in fact demanded this Tuesday at Mexican authorities “respect the human rights of migrants” after the violent operation to dissolve said caravan

While this same Wednesday, the Fund of the United Nations for Children (Unicef) expressed its “concern” for the safety and well-being of the thousands of children and adolescents who travel from southern Mexico to the border with the United States, and warned of the dangers they run in these caravans .

Keep moving forward

One of the Guatemalan migrants who identified himself as José, explained this Wednesday that he joined this caravan due to the need to advance, although he knows that the forces Federals are already waiting for you on some road section.

“Please, let us pass because we are determined to do everything,” he said.

Expl icó that during the journey they ran into a truck from the National Migration Institute (INM) that tried to prevent their passage.

When President Joe Biden arrived at the White House, he suspended the “Stay in Mexico” program of his predecessor, Donald Trump (2017 – 2021), which forced asylum seekers to wait for their hearing from Mexican territory.

With this, the migratory flow rebounded so that the United States stopped last July at its southern border to 212, 792 undocumented, the highest figure in 20 years.

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