Sunday, September 29

Pink gets into trouble by accusing the parents of a 13-year-old youtuber of exploiting their daughter


Photo: Rich Fury for dcp / Getty Images


The singer Pink rose to prominence in the late 90 and early 2000, long before there were social networks or influencers who have become a parallel version of the pop stars. What worries the artist the most is that these new types of celebrities begin their careers even earlier than her colleagues and herself did.

This week the artist has expressed its concern in this regard via Twitter , using as an example a youtuber by 13 years call Piper Rockelle after seeing the images that are shared of her in the accounts of Instagram and similar to his name that his parents use and that, in his opinion, constitute a clear case of exploitation. “At what point are we going to tell everyone else that it’s not okay for a girl of 13 years pose in a bikini while her mother takes pictures of her? ”, asked Pink .

How many kids like Piper Rockelle are being exploited by their parents? And at what point do the rest of us say… “this isn’t okay for a 13 yr old to be posing in a bikini whilst her MOTHER takes the photo?!?! ”

– P! Nk (@Pink) August 29, 2021

Now Piper herself has reacted to the veteran artist’s statements to clarify that she does not hold a grudge, although in reality You couldn’t be more wrong about the situation you live in at home. “It’s the opposite. I am a girl with a dream and my mother is incredible for helping me to live it, “he assured in statements to the portal TMZ , adding that Pink would pick up on it if she bothered to watch any of his videos. “We create a type of content that anyone can see.”

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