Friday, September 20

How to deal with the lack of female sexual desire?

Erotic literature can offer new ideas and a new approach to the relationship

¿Cómo lidiar con la falta de deseo sexual femenino?
Not limiting the sexual act to vaginal penetration is one of the alternatives.

Photo: Shutterstock

That our partner’s sexual desire is reduced or irregular can be frustrating for those who have a more stable libido. As indicated by Take Care Plus , libido is one of the aspects of sexuality that suffers the most over time , mainly in women.

There are some tips that can be applied to deal with a decreased libido so as not to interfere with the relationship, recommendations that we will briefly detail.

Work sexual communication

The woman must be able to tell her partner, be it a man or another woman, what things do you like and what not , which not only applies to the sexual side of the relationship, but to the interpersonal bond that unites it with another person.

Feelings of frustration, misunderstanding or not feeling loved by the other can decrease sexual desire of both men and women, and would also degrade n sex as a priority in view of the problems that may arise.

Establish agreements

In the scenario in which there are communication problems in the couple, one of the most important steps is to reach agreements that are useful and satisfactory for both parties involved , this as a first step to rebuild and reinforce the bond.

One of these agreements could indicate or suggest a certain number of sexual relations that is comfortable for both parties and that is possible to achieve in a specific period.

Propose alternatives to vaginal penetration

The model rigid sexuality has vaginal penetration on a very high pedestal, but the truth is that is not the only way to enjoy the sexuality with our partner .

Caresses, mutual masturbation and erotic video calls are other ways that allow us to explore the sexual side of our relationship, and that also encourage our creativity when enjoying the person.

Creativity is important to keep the flame of sexuality in the couple. Source: Shutterstock

Exploring the sexual fantasies of the other

Stimulating and recreating sexual fantasies as much as possible is a good step to mobilize the sexual desire of both women and men . With them, it is possible to explore aspects of our sexuality unknown to us, which can be enriching.

However, dedicating only to the fulfillment of sexual fantasies can be harmful to the relationship , so it is advisable not to recreate them too frequently.

Consume erotic material

Watching erotic movies as a couple is a good way to fan the flame, and it can also offer new ideas that can be implemented in privacy . The same applies to erotic literature, which has recently enjoyed some popularity.

If we know the causes that promote the reduction of sexual desire, it will be easier for us to reach agreements and actions that allow the increase of libido and a better development of the sexual component of the relationship .

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