Wednesday, October 9

Grandparent's Day 2021: why it is celebrated on different dates in Mexico and the United States

One of the things that the families of Mexico and those of the United States have in common is that grandparents are one of the fundamental pillars within them , since they not only fill us with their love and care , but also share all their knowledge and wisdom with the new generations.

But, when is Grandfather’s Day celebrated in both countries? In Mexico it is a fixed date on the calendar, that of 28, while in the US they are honored the first Sunday of September.

The origin of both festivities also differs in each country. Here we tell you a little about each of them.

Grandparent’s Day in Mexico: 28 August

Not only in Mexico, but in some Latin American countries, the day goes back to a religious issue, since in La Bible honors Saint Anne and Saint Joaquin every 26 July, parents of the Virgin Mary and for Hence, the grandparents of Jesus.

However, in Mexico it is said that the origin of the celebration also has religious overtones and that the 28 of August, at the time of the so-called Porfiriato, since it is the saint of Agustín de Hipona, doctor of the Church .

Another version indicates that Grandfather’s Day originated during the interim government of Abelardo Rodríguez (1932 – 1934 ) and that during the government of President Lázaro Cárdenas this celebration was ratified; However, there is another reference that indicates that this celebration has its origin in 1957 when in Mexico it was celebrated the First Pan American Congress of Gerontology, the science that is dedicated to studying the various aspects of old age.

There is another version in which the origin of Grandfather’s Day is attributed to the Chihuahua announcer, Edgar Gaytán Monzón and for this we must remember that there is another similar celebration where older adults are recognized, however, This announcer detected, thanks to his listeners, that not all grandparents are older adults and vice versa, so he would have come up with the idea of ​​creating an exclusive date for people who are already grandparents despite their age.

Grandparent’s Day in the US: first Sunday in September

In the US it is called National Grandparents Day and is always celebrated on the first Sunday in September, just one day before Labor Day.

This 2021, Labor Day Grandfather in the US will be next Sunday, September 5 and it is said that the origin of the holiday dates back to the years 60, when Hermine Beckett Hanna, of North Syracuse, New York, called for recognition of older adults and for its importance in society.

It is also said that in 1970, a man named Michael Goldar would have proposed the celebration after a visit to one of her aunts who lived in an Atlanta nursing home. Goldar would have spent about $ 11, dollars in travel to Washington DC (near 17) for 7 years to convince legislators of his idea.

Others point to Marian McQuade, of Fayette County, who was also recognized by Senator Alphonse D’Amato and by President Jimmy Carter as the founder of National Grandparents Day. McQuade educated young people about the importance of the contributions of the elderly throughout history.

In 1973, Senator Jennings Randolph made a motion to declare Grandparents Day a national holiday. 5 years later, on 1978, Congress passed a law that set the first Sunday after Labor Day as the Day National Grandparents.

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