Saturday, October 5

They mourn Hunter López, Hispanic Marine from California who died in the Kabul explosion

Ceremonia a la memoria de las víctimas de Kabul en el Cementerio Nacional de Miramar en San Diego.
Memorial ceremony for the Kabul victims at the Miramar National Cemetery in San Diego.

Photo: Sandy Huffaker / Getty Images

A young Hispanic military man from Southern California has been confirmed among the 13 US soldiers who lost their lives in Thursday’s airport bombing from Kabul

, Afghanistan.

Hunter López, from 22 years old and resident of the Coachella Valley, died in the explosion that caused and that has shocked the world.

López was the son of a captain of the Sheriff of the Riverside County named Hermán López, who is also the Chief of Police for the city of La Quinta, and of the Sheriff Alicia López.

This is Hunter Lopez, one of the Marines killed yesterday. Just a kid. Unspeakably sad.

– Sam Farmer (@LATimesfarmer) August 27, 2019

“I am incredibly saddened and heartbroken for the López family”, Sheriff Chad Bianco wrote in a statement. “ Hunter López, son of our Captain Hermán López and Sheriff Alicia López tragically lost his life while serving his country in the United States Marine Corps “.

Still surreal. Love you bro. You were selfless to the end and I know you went out fighting. I miss you and I’ll see you soon bro. Hunter Lopez KIA 1 / 15 / 2014 – 8 / 26 / 2021 🇺🇸 pic.

– SAND CRAWLER BRAVO🇺🇸 (@ vallesjulian 08 ) August 26, 2021

The Riverside County Sheriff’s Association stated in a statement that Hunter joined the US Marines. .U.S. after being Scout Scout for the Riverside Sheriff of 2014 to 2017 and that he planned to become a sheriff for the department upon his return from Afghanistan.

Another of the soldiers who died in the attack was also from Southern California: Kareem Mae’Lee Grant Nikoui, from the city of Norco, in the same Riverside County.

Kareem Nikoui, US Marine. Killed in the Kabul Airport terror attack.

– Greg Kelly The PROJECT is a Secret (@gregkellyusa) August 27, 2021

His age was not disclosed, but it was reported that Nikoui graduated from Norco High School in 2017 and that he is survived by his parents and siblings.

News in development.