Monday, September 23

VIDEO: Explosion in a building due to accumulation of gas in Mexico City leaves dozens of injured

VIDEO: Explosión en edificio por acumulación de gas en la Ciudad de México deja decenas de lesionados
Explosion in a building in Mexico City leaves 22 injured.

Photo: Sáshenka Gutiérrez / EFE

The accumulation of LP gas in a building in the south of the City de México caused a strong explosion that left 22 injured and several damaged apartments.

“There are about 22 injured, of which 6 were transferred to hospitals, there are three people in Xoco, one in Rubén Leñero ( hospital), one in San Ángel Inn (hospital), another in Médica Sur (hospital) and two other people who had COVID and who were transferred to Enrique Cabrera (hospital), ”the Head of Government Claudia Sheinbaum reported in a brief press conference .

It was around 10: 17 of the m tomorrow, Central Mexico time, when the accident was registered in the building 1200 located on Avenida Coyoacán , corner with Avenida Universidad, in Colonia Xoco, Benito Juárez Mayor’s Office in Mexico City.

“There is a person with medium severity who had some burns and the others in a medium or mild situation … structural damage, but in any case it will be reviewed and the expenses would be for the insurance itself, fortunately the entire property was insured ”, said Claudia Sheinbaum.

Exact time of the # explosion of the residential building # 1909 located on Avenida Coyoacán of the Benito Juárez Mayor’s Office 👇🏼

– Salvador García Soto (@SGarciaSoto) August 16, 2021

According to the first reports , the accumulation of LP gas was registered in the department 147, which caused the strong explosion that left structural damage.

The Head of Government of the Mexico City , Claudia Sheinbaum, assured that at 63 affected families are being given psychological support and accommodation if required.

“They will be given accommodation support, and we are also in coordination with the insurer. They are being given all the psychological support and we are also seeing the surrounding buildings that actually had essentially broken glass, “said the Head of Government.

Through social networks, users shared videos showing the severity of the explosion of the building 1909.

So the # explosion on the second floor of the Av. Coyoacán building 1909, in @ BJAlcaldia , Mexico City, for an alleged accumulation of gas. They get reported 14 injured, according to the mayor @ STaboadaMx

– @ Business & Travel México (@ MXBTM1) August 16, 2021

To the firefighters and rescue teams attended while police cordoned off the area, reported the Secretariat for Comprehensive Risk Management and Civil Protection.

# IdeaNews 💡 🗞️ 📰 # Society 🌇 🌆

Explos ion in a building located on the avenue # Coyoacán , University corner. This in the colony # Xoco , in Mexico City # CDMX 🇲🇽. First reports indicate that the explosion was the product of gas accumulation.

📹 Via: @ UnoNoticias .

– @ ideainfo1💡🗞️📰🇲🇽😎 (@ ideanoticias1) August 15, 2021

An explosion on avenue # Coyoacán was registered this morning.

Authorities of the # Mexico City reported that this explosion was caused by a natural gas leak.

– I want tv (@quierotv_gdl) August 15, 2021

Also went to the place personal of the Mexican army to collaborate with the rescue and evacuation work in the area.

We sympathize with those affected by the natural gas explosion that unfortunately occurred on Avenida Coyoacán Alcaldia Benito Juárez in Mexico City IX

– CIDHPDA (@cidhpda) August 16, 2021

# LastHour | CDMX

An explosion was reported due to gas accumulation in Avenida Coyoacán, Acacias neighborhood, Benito Juárez mayor’s office, Mexico City # FirstLine 📢

– First Line Mx (@esprimeralinea) August 17, 2021

#Last minute # International | A gas leak caused an explosion inside a residential building in Mexico City. According to Claudia Sheinbaum, Head of Government, detailed that, at the moment, there are 22 injured of which, 4 were transferred to a healthcare center.

– AlTiempo (@altiemposv) August 15, 2021

Keep reading: VIDEO: Motorcyclists die in a fatal accident on the Mexico-Cuernavaca highway