Saturday, September 21

Opposition politician Freddy Guevara released in Venezuela

Liberan en Venezuela al político opositor Freddy Guevara
Guevara said he does not know the conditions of his release.

Photo: REUTERS / copyright

The Venezuelan opponent Freddy Guevara was released this Sunday after a month of arrest, as part of the beginning of a round of talks that began on Friday in Mexico City between the opposition and the government of the President Nicolás Maduro.

The ally of the opposition leader Juan Guaidó had been arrested on 12 of July by agents of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin), when he was driving on a highway in Caracas.

The reasons for the arrest were his alleged links -together with other politicians- with clashes that had taken place shortly before in neighborhoods of Caracas.

The detention center where he carried out his arrest was el Helicoide , an old commercial center that for years has been used to send detainees in similar cases and that is notorious or for the complaints of mistreatment and human rights violations.

Accused of “treason” and “terrorism”, Guevara said in a video published on Twitter by the opposition National Assembly that was unaware of the conditions of his release.

It is believed that Guevara could be forced to serve house arrest.

With a view to September

The Venezuelan government and the opposition signed an initial agreement last Friday that establishes the guidelines for the dialogue in Mexico City.

Several countries will participate in the talks, including Norway, Russia and the Netherlands.

El Helicoide
Guevara was locked up in the Helicoide, a detention center over which reports of abuse and mistreatment weigh.

Both parties -government and opposition- have signed a memorandum of understanding in e l who affirm that they are willing to agree on the necessary conditions to hold elections in the country “with all the guarantees” and underscore the need for the international sanctions against Venezuela to be lifted.

Another topic that will be discussed in the meetings is humanitarian aid.

The next meetings aimed at ending the political stalemate in the country will take place between September 3-6 , according to a statement from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is facilitating the talks.

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