Saturday, September 21

El Niño Prodigy Horoscope August 16, 2021


03 / 21 – 04 / 19

With the Moon in transit through Sagittarius you will feel inspired and the world will present itself to you as an open field to discover and explore. A friend with more experience will give you wise advice, I recommend that you listen to it carefully.


05 / 20 – 04 / 20

You will implement strategies that will help you gain greater popularity. You will act with determination and will not expect other people to make the decisions for you. I recommend that you be reserved and that you do not make your intentions visible until you have obtained what you propose.


05 / 21 – 06 / 20

If you are in a couple rejoice because you will notice that interests of both converge in a common project. Singles will feel better predisposed for the encounter, and will have a greater chance of finding a being that meets their parameters and inspires them to grow.


6 / 21 – 7 / 19

Today you will have the motivation and discipline necessary to implement a diet. The time has come for you to eat in a more natural way and to reduce your consumption of fats, flour and sugar. If you follow these recommendations you will soon get excellent results.


07 / 20 – 08 / 21

In the romantic sphere you will have to make decisions. If you love someone you must show them with a forceful gesture. It is important that you put yourself in the shoes of the other and preserve the bonds that bring you happiness. Express yourself in a flat and natural way.


08 / 21 – 09 / 22

Your relatives will require your care and attention. You will accommodate your schedule based on the needs of those you love the most. It may be a good time for you to make repairs to your home or rearrange the placement of furniture.


09 / 23 – 10 / 22

Your heart will be a little hardened and although you will speak the truth you will express yourself sharply. But don’t get defensive beforehand. I suggest you listen to the beings around you and then draw conclusions.


10 / 23 – 10 / 22

You will look for a way to increase your capital and consolidate your financial position. Business related to real estate will be the ones that will give you the best results. If you are in need of a loan, you may obtain it through a relative or someone close to you.


11 / 23 – 11 / 21

You will have well-defined ideas and this will help you take the path Right. You may take a trip or decide to study to have better job opportunities. You will do better if you maintain a constant and persevering attitude.


11 / 21 – 01 / 19

Avoid crowded places and don’t waste your energy on idle activities. Instead, it will be a good time for you to recap and pause reflectively. You will have the chance to cancel a debt or provide financial help to a person in need.


02 / 20 – 02 / 15

You will have good judgment in choosing friendships and group activities in which you get involved. Your experience will be taken into account and many people will be willing to follow your suggestions. You will make very constructive contributions to your community.


02 / 18 – 04 / 20

At the work level you will be perfectly qualified to solve all the challenges that arise. It will be very important that at peak times you appeal to your memory because the experiences you acquired in the past will be very useful to you.

It may interest you : Astrological predictions of COVID – 19: pandemic will extend until 2023 and more variants are coming