Sunday, September 22

Horoscope: What will happen to your week from August 16 to 21, 2021


21 / 3 to 20/4

Love. Strong emotions, some wonderful and some disconcerting. Sharing takes a back seat and physical attraction prevails.

Money . Under the influence of Mars, Virgo will have less energy. You should measure your resistance before assuming work commitments.

Key of the week. Knowing how to locate will be the key gesture of his social life.


21 / 4 to 21/5

Love. Expecting excessively from the other puts you at risk of disappointment. Be more realistic in your demands on the partner and it will work better.

Money . Mercury passes to Virgo and increases its responsibilities. Great week to close business deals.

Key of the week . Combative yes, creative too. Show your best.


22 / 5 to 21 / 6

Love. Much of your energy will be focused on maintaining peace at home and desire in your partner. Good relationship as a couple. Coexistence.

Money . Mars in Virgo helps build momentum. If you maintain your determination, you will succeed. Be cautious when handling money.

Key of the week . Being authoritative won’t work, please say.


22 / 6 to 23 / 7

Love. About to take a big step in his love life. You may meet someone essential again. Couple reconciliations.

Money . If you were disoriented, Mercury entering Virgo helps you find your purpose. Dauntless.

Key of the week . Focus on the positive. It is not good to start from scratch.


24 / 7 to 22 / 8

Love. Something blocked in love, although ten points in their social ties. Cordial friendship, companionship, dialogue and complicity.

Money . With good energy for new challenges. The satisfaction of being able with everything will be enormous. Collect an old debt.

Key of the week . Be free. You have to enjoy what you built.


24 / 8 to 23 / 9

Love. Good skin. Sensuality flows through her pores. The serene family, without news. And close friends make important confidences.

Money . A spectacular cycle ahead thanks to Mercury in your sign. Interesting moment for your business.

Key of the week. If they refuse to accompany you on a entrepreneurship, do not insist.


24 / 9 to 22 / 10

Love. With Venus in his sign his sentimental fortune is affirmed. Desire is rekindled in the couple, especially stable relationships.

Money . You will press the accelerator despite being urged to think before you act. It is not convenient to rush so much.

Key of the week . In matters of the heart express what you feel.


24 / 9 to 23 / 10

Love. It will not be a lack of affection but the environment that confronts them. Do not let anything or anyone separate you.

Money . Mercury in Virgo promises a cycle of high creativity. Unquestionable leadership. Avoid problems with authority.

Key of the week . Forget your ghosts, nothing bad will happen.


23 / 11 to the 22 / 12

Love. It will be a week of sentimental progress, although at the cost of a certain existential disorder. Stable couples renew their love pact.

Money . He may not be as productive as at another time but he will carry out a couple of urgent commitments.

Key of the week . The essential thing is to avoid any financial disorder.


23 / 12 to 20 / 1

Love. Longing to build strong bonds. Venus in Libra helps you. Say no to control and yes to stability. The family accompanies him.

Money . As the days go by, you will feel more focused on work. Good in the legal and academic.

Key of the week . Be more ambitious, everything will turn out as you wish.


21/1 to 19 / 2

Love. Venus in a favorable sign suggests a lightning love. Nothing may be perfect but at the moment of truth only delivery counts.

Money . Financial complications threaten to overwhelm you. Think a bit before any action.

Key of the week. Tactic and strategy, no improvise economically.


20 / 2 to 20/3

Love. Her little quirks manage to touch a well-disposed couple. The less permeable family refuses to approve his wishes.

Money . Mercury opposite its Sun augurs renovating ideas that are transformed into very concrete conquests. Moderate expenses.

Key of the week . The more demands they make on you, the more you should evaluate it.

By Kirón

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