Friday, September 20

They criticize Mauricio Ochmann for taking his girlfriend to the same place where he married Aislinn Derbez

This weekend Mauricio Ochamnn and Paulina Burrola staged a romantic meeting in Tepoztlán, Morelos, from where they shared several images in which they posed as in love, however, in addition to being criticized for traveling with his current girlfriend to the same place where he got married, they also received comments in which they assured that, more than a couple, they seem like father and daughter.

After several weeks of staying apart for their different activities, this Saturday and Sunday the protagonist of ‘Do it as a man ‘and’ El Chema ‘reappeared with his young girlfriend in a heavenly destination located in the state of Morelos.

How nice to meet you in this life Paulina Burrola and to be able to share with you Tepoztlán, a place that I love and have been my home for many years “, wrote the actor at the bottom of the image in which both appear hugging and smiling at the camera.

Although the image registered more than 400 my “like” in a few hours, the embarrassing moment came when a large number of fans remembered that it was precisely in this same place that he got married in the year 2016 with Aislinn Derbez , for which he was ruthlessly attacked and reproached for disrespecting his current partner and the mother of his daughter Kailani.

Although Mauricio Ochmann prefers to ignore criticism, he responded in a subtle way to his detractors with a message published in one of the stories of the same social network where he wrote:

“Only those who are not able to stop living in the past will bring bitterness and hatred to the present.”

AND it rained on the actor, since another criticism he faced was when they assured that the model did not She looks like his girlfriend, but rather his daughter.

“How pretty your daughter is”, “How pretty your daughter got !! Congratulations ”,“ Your daughter is super pretty ”,“ How pretty your daughter ”,“ Is she your daughter or your girlfriend? ”Were just some comments.

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