Friday, September 20

6 essential foods to speed up metabolism and lose weight faster

Metabolism is an indispensable concept in weight loss. The truth is that metabolism is not a minor thing, it refers to physical processes and chemical of the body that convert or use energy such as : respiration, blood circulation, the regulation of body temperature , muscle contractions, digestion of food and nutrients , brain and nerve function, and elimination of waste.

In fact the higher the metabolism, the more calories the body will burn , in such a way that it is a fundamental concept not only to lose weight, it is key to maintain a stable body weight and also its optimal functioning is directly related to with the fat burning.

The truth is that as we age the metabolism slows down , we begin to lose mass muscle and hormonal levels tend to become unbalanced , all these factors make us more prone to weight gain , changes in mood and to suffer various health conditions. The good news is that there are extraordinary allies for accelerate metabolism and increase the body’s ability to burn fat.

1. Protein-rich foods

It is well known that proteins are a fundamental macronutrient in weight loss and much of the success lies in their ability to accelerate the metabolism, since when consumed they make the body require more energy to digest them. This process is known as thermal effect of food (TEF), which refers to the amount of calories your body needs to digest, absorb and process the nutrients in your meals. There is an investigation in which it was found that foods rich in protein are the ones that increase the TEF the most; in fact accelerate the metabolic rate between a 17 and 30% . Bet on the consumption of food such as: meat, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

pescado salmón
Salmon. / Photo: Shutterstock

2. Foods rich in iron, zinc and selenium

Iron , zinc and selenium play different but equally important roles in correct functioning of the organism. However, we place special emphasis on these three, since they have one thing in common: are necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland , which is responsible for regulate metabolism. According to various investigations, a diet too low in iron, zinc or selenium can reduce the ability of the thyroid gland to produce sufficient amounts of hormones and this is one of the main causes of a slow metabolism. The good news is that thyroid function can benefit significantly through of the diet, it is therefore important to integrate foods rich in zinc, selenium and iron. The most prominent are: the

shellfish, meat, green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds .

Pumpkin seeds. / Photo: Shutterstock

3. Chili peppers

The chili peppers are a very healthy food and full of medicinal properties , which are directly related to its content in Capsaicin , a unique chemical found in any variety of chili peppers and peppers. In particular capsaicin , is associated with great benefits to stimulate metabolism by increasing the amount of calories and fat that the body burns. According to a review made in 30 recognized studies , Capsaicin can help the body burn around 80 additional calories per day. This effect was initially observed after taking 135 – 270 mg capsaicin per day , but some studies report similar benefits with doses as low as 9- 10 mg per day. In addition , there is a study that supports the properties of capsaicin to reduce appetite , in which it is found that consuming 2 mg of capsaicin before each meal reduce the amount of calories consumed , especially carbohydrates.

Chili peppers./Photo: Pixabay

4. Coffee

In recent months the popularity of coffee has grown more than usual and science every day discovers new benefits related to its intake. Specifically the e Studies report that the caffeine found in coffee can help increase metabolic rate by up to a 11% . But that’s not all, there are six different studies in which it was found that people that consume at least 270 mg of caffeine per day , or the equivalent of three cups of coffee , burn 135 extra calories per day. Another of the great genius of caffeine, are its qualities for help the body burn fat in order to obtain energy and is also related to advantages for increasing performance in training and physical activity.


Coffee. / Source: Pixabay

5. Tea

Tea is considered the healthiest drink on the planet , it is a medicinal treasure without equal. According to recent research, the combination of caffeine and catechins found in natural way in tea are the perfect combination to stimulate metabolism. Regarding the best variants, in particular, both the green tea like oolong can increase metabolism between a 4 and a 11%. This results in a burning of 135 extra calories per day. Also, the oolong and green teas , are a great ally for the body to use the stored fat for energy more efficiently, increasing your ability to burn fat by up to 20%. Without a doubt, tea is a basic element to fight obesity and maintain a healthy body weight.

Green tea./Photo: Pixabay

6. Spices

In recent months all the nutrition trends talk about the benefits of consuming medicinal spices. In particular there are some variants that have properties metabolism stimulants particularly beneficial, such is the case of this research in which the benefits of dissolving 2 grams of powdered ginger in hot water and drinking it in the main meals is a great help to burn up 50 extra calories . This hot ginger drink also appears to decrease hunger levels and improve feelings of fullness. Similarly, Adding cayenne pepper to food can increase the amount of fat that the body Burns for energy , especially after a high-fat meal.

Spices./Photo: Pexels