Friday, September 20

Roger Federer will be operated on his knee again

Roger Federer será operado nuevamente de su rodilla
“I want to regain hope to get back in the game” said Federer on Instagram.

Photo: Rob Carr / Getty Images



The Swiss tennis player Roger Federer has announced on social media that in the next few days will undergo a new right knee operation and that it will be out of the competition “for many months” .

The Helvetian, who weeks ago fulfilled 40 years, was submitted in the 2020 to two interventions that kept him away from the tracks and the circuit for more than a anus.

Federer already announced shortly before the Tokyo Olympics that during the grass season had suffered a knee injury even who hoped to return to activity before the launch of the United States Open, the last Grand Slam of the course.

LAST TIME. Roger Federer has just announced on his social networks that he will undergo knee surgery. Off the courts “for many months,” according to the player himself.

– SportsCenter (@SC_ESPN) August 13, 2021

The twenty grand champion played Roland Garros, although retired to despite winning his third round match and then playing at Wimbledon. Then he missed the Olympics and the pre-US Open American tour .

“I will be off the slopes for many months. I want to regain hope to return to the game “, Said the tennis player from Basel on Instagram. “I’ve done a lot of checks with the doctors,” said Federer who insisted that he came off the grass season badly.

Federer announced that, after consulting with doctors, he will have to undergo surgery on his knee and his participation for the remainder of the season is in doubt. Quick recovery, Your Majesty! 🇨🇭👑😢 # TENNISxESPN @Roger Federer

– ESPN Tennis (@ESPNtennis) August 15, 2021

“This is not the way to move on . The doctors advised me a new surgery and I have decided to do it. I will have to operate again and I will be on crutches for many weeks. I will try to come back as strong as possible. ”

Federer will also miss the US Open. His intention is to fully recover and return in optimal competitive conditions. So far this year he has only played thirteen games of which he has lost four. The new passage through the operating room leaves in the air the future of the former number one in the world who already assumes that he will not return to the circuit for several months.

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