Thursday, September 19

Verónica Montes, the star of 'The Lord of the Skies', reveals that she has a tumor on her head

At the beginning of 2020 Verónica Montes began to deal with problems in his body due to prolactin, a hormone that caused him to come out a tumor on his head , although fortunately is benign .

According to a recent interview for the magazine TV Notes, the star of ‘El Lord of the Skies’ finally found the cause of his health problems . And it is that a few months ago he began to suffer the ravages of high levels of prolactin , which caused swelling in his face, fatigue and even depression.

“They discovered that I have a small tumor in the central part of my forehead called a microadenoma and it comes out when you have high prolactin. They detected it when my prolactin began to fall to its normal level, but weeks later they did the study again and it began to rise ”, explained the also model of 31 years.

Although the first thing that crossed her mind was that she would have to undergo surgery to “open the brain ”, the doctors explained that the small abscess is benign and does not mean any problem, however, it should continue to be observed to prevent it from continuing to grow and complications later .

“This tumor is benign, that means that it is not cancer and it cannot become something like that; Furthermore, it is so small that there is no point in removing it. ”

The artist who is confirmed to enter the Telemundo’s new reality show, ‘La Casa de los Famosos’ , explained that, in case they decided to remove the small tumor you could develop some other disease such as Diabetes, so taking your medicine every day will be enough.

I take a pill a day to lower prolactin to a minimum , this for eight weeks and I’m already in the fifth . When I finish they will make me another test to check my levels “, he shared in the Mexican publication.

Verónica Montes explained that for the moment the treatment is based on lower your prolactin levels so that your body is well and in the future you can get pregnant. For the moment, she confesses that there are still days when her face is swollen, although not like before.

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