Wednesday, October 9

Mexican Government congratulates Ken Salazar on his confirmation as US Ambassador to Mexico

Gobierno mexicano felicita a Ken Salazar por su confirmación como Embajador de EE.UU. en México
Ken Salazar is ratified by the US Senate as US Ambassador to Mexico.

Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images

Mexico , through the Secretary of Foreign Relations, Marcelo Ebrard, congratulated Ken Salazar for his ratification as the new United States Ambassador to Mexico.

Congratulations to Kenneth Lee Salazar, new Ambassador of the United States of America in our country. Good news for the close relations that exist between the administrations headed by Presidents López Obrador and Biden ”, he pointed out.

Congratulations to Kenneth Lee Salazar, new Ambassador of the United States of America in our country. Good news for the close relations that exist between the administrations headed by Presidents López Obrador and Biden.

– Marcelo Ebrard C. (@m_ebrard) August 11, 2021

The early morning of this Wednesday, the United States Senate ratified the appointment of Ken Salazar as ambassador to Mexico replacing Republican Christopher Landau, who left office last January when Joe Biden assumed the presidency.

“Many of us in the White House and beyond stood on the shoulders of Ken Salazar, a giant in the Latino community,” noted Cristóbal Alex, White House Assistant Secretary of the Cabinet on Twitter . “At dawn, the Senate confirmed him to serve as Ambassador to Mexico.”

Born in 1955 in southern Colorado, Salazar has described himself as “Mexican-American” . Salazar was US Secretary of the Interior during the first term of former President Barack Obama (2009 – 2013).

Previously, he made history in 2005 by becoming the first Latino Democrat elected to the US Senate since 1972.

He is currently a partner in WilmerHale, an American law firm. Represents clients on energy, environment, natural resources matters and Native Americans.

During his Senate approval hearing, he promised to defend US energy investments in Mexico.

With information from the Reform Agency.

Keep reading: AMLO proposes Joe Biden to meet in Mexico in September