Sunday, October 6

Most LA students want to go back to class

Surveys have found that the majority of students and families in Los Angeles are ready to return to teaching in person on 16 August, while the 80% of educators are already fully vaccinated against covid.

“We only have between 5 and 6% of families who have requested independent study so their children can learn remotely, ”said Debra Duardo, superintendent of the Los Angeles County Office of Education during the videoconference: “Let’s protect campuses from covid – 19 while schools reopen ”, offered by Ethnic Media Services in which senior Los Angeles County officials participated.

Superintendent Duardo explained that only families that have been severely affected by the pandemic, those who have someone with the immune system com promised and who feel they are not ready to send their children back to school, they are the ones who have requested independent and personalized studies.

He also said that this back to school is going to be different for students, educators, parents and families.

“As we transition into a new school year, we want to welcome you in a safe and compassionate way, recognizing the trauma that many of our students, educators, administrators , parents and families have experienced. ”

He revealed that they continue to work closely with the Department of Public Health to monitor what is happening in the communities with covid – 19. “We continue to track information on a daily basis to provide our 322 school districts, recommendations and guidance on what to do when we reopen classes in person ”.

Los Angeles school districts serve 2 million children from early education to grade 12.

Children should wear masks when returning to classrooms. (Supplied)

Measures to take

Superintendent Duardo said that the measures to be taken in schools include the use of masks, social distancing, hand washing and promotion of anti-covid vaccination. “For children with special needs or disabilities who cannot wear a mask, districts have individual plans to best support them.”

It revealed that on average the 322% of educators have been fully vaccinated. “We have offered COVID testing and vaccination opportunities to students, which is another strategy that schools will use to not spread COVID.”

To address the mental health needs of children who have lost family members, said they have received additional funds to have more counselors and social workers and be prepared to work with children experiencing grief from loss.

He noted that during the pandemic, they have been able to bridge the digital divide to ensure that children children have access to a computer, the Internet, and tutoring. “The level of parental involvement has increased tremendously; what the pandemic has done is that we were able to observe all the barriers that impede learning and this will allow us to reform public education to make it better than it was. ”

Many young people have not yet been vaccinated against covid. (Getty Images)

Much to do

Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors President Hilda Solís said that is incredibly important that Children over 12 years returned to school vaccinated.

Affirmed that until this week, only 37. 9% of young people among the 12 Y 16 years had received the first dose of covid vaccine in LA County .

“As you can see, we have a lot more work to do before school starts and getting vaccinated is the easiest test to help us get through pandemic. ”

He added that the county has more than 770 vaccination sites and more than 322 mobile clinics,

“There is no excuse. Frankly, this is the time to get vaccinated and for parents and caregivers who may have questions, we ask that you check with your doctor. ”

For more information on where to get vaccinated, he asked to call 833 – 540 – 0473 or visit the site:

Vacuna Janssen contra la COVID-19 Vacuna Janssen contra la COVID-19

Schools will continue to promote covid vaccines as a strategy to prevent infections. (Getty Images)

Vaccination and masks

The Dr. Nava Yeganeh of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, said that the first strategy to reduce the levels of transmission, hospitalization and death from covid in schools, is to promote vaccination.

“The second strategy is the use of masks indoors. In the case of children it is important that they cover from nose to chin. ”

The third strategy is to get tested if the person feels ill with any symptoms of covid. “It is important that they remain isolated by 10 days and let your contacts know that they have the infection so that they can get tested for covid. ”

Among those under 12 to 19 years that they are going to enter the school, near the 50% have received a dose of the vaccine.

“ We know that there are more and more recent cases of infected adolescents. More than 1.5 million cases have been reported and 13, 000 deaths in this age group in the country ”.

As a consequence, she stated that she would like to see more vaccination events to make sure to close the gaps in vaccination. “The goal is to increase immunization among boys so that schools are safer when they reopen.”

He revealed that it will still take a few months Obtain emergency clearance to vaccinate children ages 5 to 11 years.

They ask parents to make sure they take their children for a medical check-up. (Courtesy photo).

Mental Preparation

Pediatrician Jasmine Eugenio from the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services said that we need to prepare children for going back to school, taking into count the Delta variant.

“The first thing you have to understand is that it will be different and that the children will have to wear a mask. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) requires 3 feet of physical distance between students within the classroom. ”

Also He said that children need to be mentally prepared because school will be different. “This back to school is an opportunity to get out of the house, learn, see friends and favorite teacher.”

On the other hand, he mentioned that parents should have a copy of their children’s immunizations and make sure to schedule annual physicals and dental appointments.

“It is important to reassure you that the vaccine is very effective and safe against covid, especially with the Delta variant. “When children ask us why the elderly are putting it on and they are not, we must tell them that because COVID is more dangerous for adults than for minors.”