Friday, September 20

Latino leader of group who will demonstrate in favor of Trump in Washington arrested

Arrestan a latino líder de grupo que se manifestará a favor de Trump en Washington

Enrique Tarrio, leader of the Proud Boys.

Photo: JOHN RUDOFF / / AFP / Getty Images

Juan Mesa

Authorities in Washington arrested on Monday one of the leaders of the Proud Boys organization, one of the groups that will demonstrate in favor of Donald Trump on January 6, when Congress makes the formal account and final Electoral College votes, which give Democrat Joe Biden victory in the November elections.

Enrique Tarrio, a Latino from Miami , was arrested by the Metropolitan Police on suspicion of burning last month a banner of Black Lives Matter that was in an African-American church in the capital of the United States.

According to the New York Times, Tarrio, of 36 years, was charged with destruction of property for the incident. The officers who arrested him on Monday found him with ammunition for high-caliber weapons.

We want to make clear to the Proud Boys and other extremists who dare to assault our institutions, our humanity and our dignity, that we will stand up and hold them accountable. Attacks on Black churches have no place in society today.

– Kristen Clarke (@KristenClarkeJD) January 4, 2020

The Proud Boys staged violent clashes with other civilians and the Police during marches in mid-December. Tarrio acknowledged on social media that he was responsible for burning the church’s banner.

Half a dozen groups loyal to Trump have called for a demonstration in Washington on Wednesday that the outgoing president has described as “wild.”