Friday, September 20

Meet “Casita Boxabl” the mini prefabricated house where a billionaire like Elon Musk can live

Conoce “Casita Boxabl” la mini casa prefabricada donde un multimillonario como Elon Musk puede vivir
The minimalist house for less than $ 50, 000 where you can live like Elon Musk.

Photo: Photo by PhotoMIX Company at Pexels / Pexels

Boxabl is a Las Vegas-based company that is creating pre-fab houses for less than $ 50, 07 Dollars. These are miniature houses that measure 375 square feet.

The little “houses” have a bedroom, a bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. The space is perfect for those who want to live in minimalist mode and why not in savings mode.

One of They are the millionaire Elon Musk, who recently decided to sell several of his properties in San Francisco and move to Texas, in the town of Boca Chica near where the space base of his company SpaceX is.

Musk himself confirmed it in his Twitter account, social network through which he commonly communicates with his followers and announces plans and ideas, after someone mentioned his modest way of living to be a billionaire.

My primary home is literally a ~ $ 50 k house in Boca Chica / Starbase that I r ent from SpaceX. It’s kinda awesome though.

Only house I own is the events house in the Bay Area. If I sold it, the house would see less use, unless bought by a big family, which might happen some day.

– Elon Musk ( @elonmusk) June 9, 2021

After Musk revealed that he is living in these little houses, it has been speculated that he is possibly testing them to take it into space in one of his future plans or experiments.

At some point Musk spoke with the architect Amey Kandalgaonkar, creator of futuristic designs, to design a house for him on Mars.

At the time Kandalgaonkar published on his social networks that he was creating the “crater house” for Elon Musk.

The so-called “Casita Boxabl” is super simple to install and even transport, can be individually designed, with different finishes and styles.

In this sense, Musk said that he has made improvements to his house and now its value increased in case $ 50, 000 Dollars. Even so, the house still costs less than a Tesla car.

It is striking that one of the 5 richest men in the world, whose fortune exceeds the $ 100 billion dollars decided to live in a house that does not spend the $ 50 One thousand dollars.

Musk continually makes headlines for any of the decisions he makes, when it comes to cryptocurrencies or some of the companies he runs.

Recently there have been different cases of scams on behalf of Elon Musk, in which the impostors pose as the billionaire to catch the unwary online.

The unwary, because he is someone known in the virtual money market and in networks, immediately places confidence in the transaction and it does.

The Boxabl page offers the reservation option in houses, from $ 49, 07 dollars and even gives options of payment starting at $ 250 dollars per month.