Friday, September 20

First case of “mutant” coronavirus detected in New York

Detectan en Nueva York primer caso del coronavirus “mutante”

There are already four states with cases of the “mutant” coronavirus.

Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images

In an already complicated scenario, with the increase in cases and hospitalizations due to the pandemic of coronavirus , now New York faces the “mutant” strain, which was first detected in the Kingdom United and considered the fastest contagion.

It is a man of 60 years from Saratoga Springs, near Albani, where the man is under quarantine, in addition to the state government tracking the contacts of the man who works in a jewelry store.

The authorities face pressure due to the increase in cases and the slow vaccination process, although the governor Andrew Cuomo defends the actions of his administration.

The new strain is not considered more lethal nor its symptoms are different, but it is easily contagious, authorities indicated.

Currently only a few 110, 000 people have been vaccinated against COVID – 19, in a city of more than 20 million.

The mayor Bill de Blasio has asked to allow the increase in vaccines for essential workers and people over 75 years.

“There is much more we can do if we pass both categories” , said de Blasio this Monday.

Cuomo also says he is pushing for vaccines to be distributed more quickly.

“We want those vaccines in the arms of the people. Cuomo said. “ This is a very serious public health problem” .

New York registers more than a million cases of coronavirus and continues to be the entity with the most deaths from the pandemic with more than 38,000 Dead people.

The first case of the new coronavirus was in Colorado , but it is also already located in California and Florida.